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It is the conservative business man, hard-headed, stubborn, who is converted by the mind-reader or the spiritualistic medium one extreme flying to the other. It is the bore who, at times, unconsciously to himself, amuses you to the point of repressed laughter.

"Well, is every little thing all right, Tom?" asked Ned, as he saw a cheerful grin spread itself over his chum's face. "I should say it is, and then some! Look here, Ned. This is a letter from " "I know. Mary Nestor. Go on." "How'd you guess?" "Oh, I'm a mind-reader." "Huh!

The Colonel showed lively astonishment, and said: "Why, Hawkins, are you a mind-reader?" "I? I never thought of such a thing." "Well, then how did you happen to drop onto that idea in this curious fashion? It's just mind-reading, that's what it is, though you may not know it. Because I have got a private project that requires a Bank of England at its back. How could you divine that?

It seemed to him that it needed no mind-reader to interpret the look of pride, yes and of love, in the wonderful blue-grey eyes. Sick as from a heavy blow he turned away from her; the flicker of hope that his brother-in-law's words had kindled in his heart died out and left him cold. He was too late; why try to deceive himself any longer?

"Tell us how you did it," he said, smiling into the intelligent face of the mysterious "mind-reader." "You saw," he returned, simply, with a slight gesture of out-turned palms, as if to disavow any secrets. "Yes, I saw," said Hendricks, "but with me, seeing is not believing." "Don't listen, Hanlon," Mr. Mortimer said, smiling a little resentfully.

Do you realize that at houses like Mrs Waddesleigh Peagrim's I am meeting men all the time who have only to say one little word to make me a millionaire? They are fat, gray men with fishy eyes and large waistcoats, and they sit smoking cigars and brooding on what they are going to do to the market next day. If I were a mind-reader I could have made a dozen fortunes by now.

"Perhaps you're a nice sort of mind-reader," said she, gently, "for you were right to feel that way, at least as far as my father is concerned. I specially wanted you to know about that. Papa has been planning for six years to put up a new building only last month he had arranged to spend quite a lot of money in repairs. I just came to understand all this to-day.

"I'll tell you what it is, Roger," Miss Mattie had said, drawing a long breath, and taking a fresh start; "a young man that can cure a pain like mine, with pills that size, has got a great future ahead of him as well as a brilliant past behind. He's a wonder-worker, that's what he is, not to mention bein' a mind-reader as well."

Then he swung off easily on his little dog-trot, never at fault, never hesitant, picking up the turns and twistings of the Indian's newer purpose as surely as a mind-reader the concealed pin. For Jingoss had been awaiting eagerly this fall of snow, as this immediate change of direction showed. He was sure that now they could no longer follow him.

And for some reason or other you long ago worked up a series of signals on it, as the mind-reader with the guitar-accompanist used to do in the vaudeville shows. Those discordant phrases he started off with were your signal to come to the rescue. And you came. But how did you come? And how did he go? Both by the same way, of course. But there isn't even a chimney-piece in the room."