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"But I've seen powdered chlorate of potash," interposed Tom Reade, who was always in search of information. "Yes," admitted the druggist. "I can show you, at my store, about ten pounds of the powdered chlorate." "Then how do they get it into a powder, sir?" pressed Tom. "Do the manufacturers grind it between big millstones?"

Clancy studied his partner curiously for a few moments. "Lafe," he went on presently, "you and I have got to get away from each other for a while. We are simply millstones around each other's neck. You can't look at me without thinking you owe me the biggest part of fifteen thousand dollars, and I can't look at you without thinking how you betrayed my confidence."

Now were the tables turned, and it was the men of Helium who seemed doomed to be ground between two millstones. All were compelled to turn to meet this new assault by a greatly superior force, so that to me was left the remnants of the yellow men within the throneroom. They kept me busy, too; so busy that I began to wonder if indeed I should ever be done with them.

Dear innocent, wise enthusiast, with her impossible scheme for cleansing the Augean stable of this world! Chivalrous child-Quixote, tilting at the Black Windmills, whose sails are whirled by burning blasts from Hell, and whose millstones grind the souls of Eve's lost daughters into the dust that makes the devil's daily bread how should the Dop Doctor of Gueldersdorp dare to love her?

She had scores of royal godchildren; turned numberless wicked people into beasts, birds, millstones, clocks, pumps, boot jacks, umbrellas, or other absurd shapes; and, in a word, was one of the most active and officious of the whole College of fairies. But after two or three thousand years of this sport, I suppose Blackstick grew tired of it.

Anything to be alone! He had felt that was the one thing in life to attain. But now that he was alone, solitude suddenly took monstrous and hideous proportions, and became a horror to flee from. He could not bear the face of a fellow-creature. He could not bear this ghoul of solitude. There was no room for him between these great millstones.

I wanted to burn my bridges, you see; and he laughed at me. I haven't told that to any one but you. All the same, if he thinks, from that, that he can go on accumulating millstones ..." "Tell me where you are planning to live," Wallace said, getting back as he was always glad to do, to firm ground again. "Not too far away, I hope, for us to go on seeing a lot of you."

Cross-pieces run through at right angles and, plaited with rushes, transform the shaft into an upright four-bladed affair that the wind blows around and turns the millstones below. So far, this is only a very primitive and clumsy method of harnessing the wind; but connected with it is a very ingenious contrivance that redeems it entirely from the commonplace.

"April 18th, 1861!" replied the Captain quickly. "What you hear, sir, is the attrition consequent upon the grinding together of certain millstones belonging to the gods." "I have no doubt of it, Captain Lent; they'll probably make meal of us all. Are you offering your services, sir." Camilla said quickly, and with gayest confidence: "Uncle has been looking about casually.

Up to 1875 rents kept rising, and wages rose too, yet prices rising, the peasants were not much better off. In 1873 the peasants claimed more still, and the farmers could not give it. They are ground between two millstones higher rents and higher wages. This seems to me a fundamental refutation of the peculiarly English system. Fixity of rent is the first necessity.