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In Paris, where my brother lives, that would be fifteen thousand francs. Ah! Michié Ducour, I never guessed half that much, Michié Ducour, I tell you he was too good to be rich." Her eyes stood full. Camille started busily from his leaning posture and they began again to be active. But, as I have said, their relations were reversed once more.

"Beauties!" exclaimed Xavier, "La Nouvelle Orleans it is the home of beauty, Michie. They promenade themselves on the levee, they look down from ze gallerie, mais " "But what, Xavier?" "But, mon Dieu, Michie, they are vair' difficile. They are not like Englis' beauties, there is the father and the mother, and the convent." And Xavier, who had a wen under his eye, laid his finger on it.

I think that tears came into all our eyes at once, and the little Ethiops fairly bellowed. "My friends," I said, falteringly, "I see how you have suffered, and sympathize with you, from my heart." "Our beautiful property is ruined," said Mrs. Michie, welling up. "Yer's five years of labor, my children's heritage, the home of our old age, look at it!"

Indeed, he tried to control himself, for some reason standing in awe of my appearance, and then he burst out into such loud haw-haws that the crew poked their heads above the cabin hatch. "Michie Reetchie," said Xavier, and again he burst into laughter that choked further speech. He controlled himself and laid his finger on his wen. "You don't believe it," said Nick, offended.

Like other Orientals, they only believe what they see; and Russia is seen and realized on the northern frontier. Besides the effect of contact, the Russians possess a gift in dealing with the Chinese. The affinities and analogies which the Russians and Chinese exhibit have been depicted by Michie in his book on the "Siberian Overland Route."

Michie asked him why he said he must pass the Foul Fords, as by going a few yards on either side of them he might avoid them entirely. He persisted that he must pass them and Michie at last left him, a good deal surprised that he should talk of going over the Foul Fords when every one knew that he and his whole family were bound, by a promise to their dead father, never to go by the place.

Gradually Xavier ceased his jesting and became quiet. "Looks like a hurricane," said Nick. "Mon Dieu," said Xavier, "you have right, Michie," and he called in his rapid patois to the crew, who lounged forward in the cabin's shade. There came to my mind the memory of that hurricane at Temple Bow long ago, a storm that seemed to have brought so much sorrow into my life.

Beyond, across the bare Place d'Armes, a blackened gap in the line of houses bore witness to the devastation of the year gone by, while here and there a roof, struck by the setting sun, gleamed fiery red with its new tiles. The levee was deserted save for the negroes and the river men. "Time for siesta, Michie," said Xavier, joining us; "I will show you ze inn of which I spik.

I spied Xavier on a bench smoking with some friends of his. "He make much rain soon, Michie," he cried. "You hev good time, I hope, Michie." I waved my hand and rode on, past the Place d'Armes with its white diagonal bands strapping its green like a soldiers front, and as I drew up before the gate of the House of the Lions the warning taps of the storm were drumming on the magnolia leaves.

In the stern Xavier stood immovable against the tiller, his short pipe clutched between his teeth, the colors of his new worsted belt made gorgeous by the rising sun. "B'jour, Michie," he said, and added in the English he had picked up from the British traders, "the breakfas' he is ready, and Jean make him good. Will you have the grace to descen'?"