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Carl must get ready to" Pop laid his hand on hers. "There's plinty o' toime, Mary. Ye'll git the ladder behint the kitchen door, Carl. I hed it ther' mesilf this mornin'." Carl found the ladder, steadied it against the tree, and guided Jennie's little feet till they reached the topmost round, holding on to her skirts so that she should not fall.

"I don't remember that I have, but that has been only because the need did not arise; I am not afraid to try it, even if you are." "Who said I was afraid?" demanded Terry; "I'm riddy to hop into the boat and sway the paddle mesilf, and I'll do it, too." He stepped into the water, which was up to his shoe tops, and began drawing in the rawhide rope which held the frail boat from breaking away.

"I want to plant the seeds mesilf," said Mary. "And we dinna want ye should," replied Dannie. "All we want ye to do, is to boss." "But I'm going to do the planting mesilf," Mary was emphatic. "It will be good for me to be in the sunshine, and I do enjoy working in the dirt, so that for a little while I'm happy."

I've been pitchin' information into ye f'r more years thin anny wan iver wint to colledge, an' I tell ye now I don't know annything about annything. I don't like to thrust mesilf forward. I'm a modest man. Won't somebody else get up? Won't ye get up, Tiddy Rosenfelt; won't ye, Willum Jennings Bryan; won't ye, Prisidint Eliot; won't ye, pro-fissors, preachers, doctors, lawyers, iditors?

Th' war is still goin' on; an' ivry night, whin I'm countin' up the cash, I'm askin' mesilf will I annex Cubia or lave it to the Cubians? Will I take Porther Ricky or put it by? An' what shud I do with the Ph'lippeens? Oh, what shud I do with thim? I can't annex thim because I don't know where they ar-re. I can't let go iv thim because some wan else'll take thim if I do.

"I don't obsarve any way mesilf," was the response of Terry. "But there must be, for how could father and the rest have crossed?" "They may have put up a bridge." "But where is the bridge? There are no signs of any thing of the kind," said the bewildered Fred; "they couldn't have made a bridge without leaving it behind." "The high water has swipt it away."

"Thim Winnebagos are gittin' altogether too plintiful," said he; "whin they come on horseback as will as on foot, there must be more than we can take care of, though you managed the three as well as I could have done the same mesilf. And so ye hit one of 'em whin ye touched off yer gun, did ye?" "There is no doubt of it, though I am sorry to say that it did not end his career right away."

I'll not let anger or jealousy get th' betther iv me, I says. 'I'll lave off all me old feuds; an' if I meet me inimy goin' down th' sthreet, I'll go up an' shake him be th' hand, if I'm sure he hasn't a brick in th' other hand. Oh, I was mighty compliminthry to mesilf. I set be th' stove dhrinkin' hot wans, an' ivry wan I dhrunk made me more iv a pote. 'Tis th' way with th' stuff.

"This," said the man with the barytone voice, "is the tune that Nick Steele saved his neck to." "Begorra, that’s ut. I wasn’t there mesilf, but Oi’ve heard th’ story told more times than Oi’ve years to me credit." "My father was in that necktie party," spoke up a young cow-puncher, "and I’ve heard him tell the story scores of times, and he always wondered why the devil they let Steele off.

'Whose fun'ral ar-re ye goin' to at this hour? 'None but thim I makes mesilf, says he. 'What d'ye mean? says th' ol' man. 'I'm goin' over f'r to stand guard in th' thracks, says th' la-ad. Well, with that th' ol' man leaps up. 'Polisman, he says. 'Polisman, he says. 'Copper, he says. 'Twas on'y be Mrs.