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Oh, Mercy, I don't see how any woman lives without it!" The tears came into Mercy's eyes. There were depths of lovingness in her soul of which a woman like Lizzy could not even dream. But she spoke in a resolute tone, and she spoke very honestly, too, when she said, "Well, I don't see how any woman can help living very well without it, if it doesn't come to her.

In a low voice, he said, "I hope you will be able to make allowances for my mother's manner. It is all my fault. I know that she can never bear to have me late at meals, and I ought never to allow myself to forget the hour. It is all my fault" Mercy's indignation at her reception was too great for her sense of courtesy. "I don't think it was your fault at all, Mr. White," she exclaimed.

"She didna see me," said Hendry, sitting down forlornly on the table. "Get aff that table!" cried Jess. "See haud o' the besom," she said to Leeby. "For mercy's sake, mother," said Leeby, "gie yer face a dicht, an' put on a clean mutch." "I'll open the door if they come afore you're ready," said Hendry, as Leeby pushed him against the dresser.

He felt himself so suddenly gladdened by these tokens of Mercy's presence, and by his mother's evident change of feeling towards her, that he feared his face would betray too much pleasure; he feared to speak, lest his voice should do the same thing. He was forced to make a great effort to speak in a judiciously indifferent tone, as he said, "Indeed, they are very pretty.

Noemi was surprised that Jeanne, in spite of her emotion, had noticed the fact. "For mercy's sake, do not let him find out. For mercy's sake!" Noemi promised to be silent. Jeanne grew calmer little by little, and was the first to move. Oh, to be alone! Alone in her own room!

I hate the sight of the wretches. Don't for mercy's sake think I hate them; the distinction is one my friend or I drew long ago. No matter where you find such people; they are clowns.

"Why speak of ugly faces at all? We in our theatres only care for pretty music, pretty dancing, pretty pieces which please one. As for the rest, whatever is disagreeable let us hide it, for mercy's sake!" "On the other hand," the priest continued, "I will cheerfully confess the great error of my book.

Sir Clement, with great earnestness, endeavoured to appease and compose me: "If you do not intend to murder me," cried I, "for mercy's, for pity's sake, let me get out!" "Compose your spirits, my dearest life," cried he, "and I will do everything you would have me." And then he called to the man himself, and bid him make haste to Queen Ann Street.

"For mercy's sake, don't swear, Maria," said Mrs. Miller nervously. "We've done our best, and let's hope that folks will look up and not down. It isn't as if they were going to set in the chandelier; they'll have something else to think about when Nancy gets her hemlock branches and white carnations in the pulpit vases.

"How much, Doc?" he inquired. The dentist was silent. "State the figure. But for mercy's sake don't bleed me any more than you can help. This fight has cost me a pretty penny already." "I don't want your money," growled Squiers. "Yes you do, Doc. I know you better than you know yourself. The trouble with you is, you'll want too much." Squiers laughed bitterly.