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"That was my thought," said Menzi; "have I not told you that was the thought my Spirit gave me?" "This is black magic, and you are a fiend!" shouted Thomas, and was silent. "Not so, Tombool, though it is true that I have gifts which you clever White people do not understand," answered Menzi.

Then moved thereto either by a very natural outburst of temper, or perchance by a flash of inspiration, he replied: "Yes, I shall live longer than did my brother, who died here and has gone to Heaven, and longer I think than you will." This personal remark seemed to take Menzi aback; indeed for a moment he looked frightened.

Indeed, metaphorically, before long they passed from murmurs to shouting, and their shouts said this: Menzi must be invited to celebrate a rain-service in his own fashion for the benefit of the entire tribe. Thomas argued in vain. He grew angry; he called them names which doubtless they deserved; he said that they were spiritual outcasts.

Moreover, Tabitha made no request; as Dorcas knew, though she hid it from Thomas, she sent for the headmen, and when they were seated on the ground before her after their fashion, Menzi among them, issued an order, saying: "What! Are my parents and I to live like dogs without a kennel or cattle that lack a winter kraal, because you are idle?

Meanwhile the Christian nurse had rushed off over the crest of the koppie to fetch Thomas and Dorcas, or either of them. As it chanced she met them both walking to join Tabitha in her bower, and thus it came about that they reached the place at the same moment as did old Menzi bounding up the rocks like a klipspringer buck, or a mountain sheep.

Man," here he turned to his servant, "and you, Ivana and the others, pull down that wall." They leapt to do his bidding, and presently discovered the ringhals in its hole. Heedless of its fangs and writhings, Menzi sprang at it with a Zulu curse, and seizing it, proceeded to kill it in a very slow and cruel fashion. The great drought fell upon Sisa-Land like a curse from Heaven.

In an open space in its centre, sat Menzi wearing all his witch-doctor's trappings, bladders in his hair, snakeskins tied about him, and the rest, but even in this grotesque attire still managing to look dignified. With him were several acolytes or attendants, one of them an old woman, also peculiarly arrayed and carrying hide bags that contained their master's medicines.

Menzi rose and saluted with his habitual courtesy, first the Bishop, then the others, as usual reserving his sweetest smile for Tabitha. "Great Priest," he said at once, "I understand that the Teacher Tombool intends to build his house upon this place."

If she could not or would not come, then Ivana must bring no one else, for if she did he would curse her and die at once. There were discussions and remonstrances, but in the end Tabitha was allowed to go, for after all a fellow-creature was dying, and this was his last wish. She came, and Menzi received her smiling.

"Probably she will endorse the bond as she is a liberal little woman," said the Dean, "and in any case our brother Bull, if I may be pardoned a vulgarism, will knock the stuffing out of that pestilent Menzi and his crowd." "Do you think so?" asked the other. "I am not so certain. I have met old Menzi, and he is a tough nut to crack. He may 'knock the stuffing' out of him.