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Can you think of no fairer way of getting rid of this unlucky lad? 'No, mein Herr; but as I commit him to your charge-' 'To my charge! to the charge of steel and gunpowder! and well, if it must be, it must; but you have a tolerably good guess what's like to come of it. 'O, my dear friend, I trust no degree of severity will be necessary, replied Glossin.

She would not cross the threshold. Poor Schmucke went out to her with a haggard, tear-stained face. "Mein boor Bons in vandering," said he; "he says dat you are ein pad voman. It ees his illness," he added hastily, to soften La Cibot and excuse his friend. "Oh, I have had enough of his illness! Look here, he is neither father, nor husband, nor brother, nor child of mine.

How had she taken their long, unexplained absence? Would she still be singing "Ach, mein lieber Augustine!" when they returned, and would there be a long clothes line bowed under the weight of clean white linen bleaching in the sun ready to be ironed?

The child took the flowers and laid them reverently on the stone. "It seems to me almost like arriving at the end of a pilgrimage," said Ronald, "when I stand by the grave of a man of science. Perhaps you knew him, mein Herr?" "He was my pupil." "Whew!" thought Ronald, "that makes my friend here a centenarian at least."

As a matter of fact, four other prominent American mining engineers were up to their necks in the reform movement and got long terms in prison. They were Capt. Thomas Mein, J. S. Curtis, Victor M. Clement and Charles Butters. They obtained their freedom by the payment of fines of $10,000 each. This whole enterprise netted Kruger something like $2,000,000 in cash.

Just as the poor little wretch was going to take to his heels, Hans caught hold of him, and brought him to us, kicking and struggling. My uncle began to encourage him as well as he could, and said to him in good German: "Was heiszt diesen Berg, mein Knablein? Sage mir geschwind!" The child made no answer. "Very well," said my uncle. "I infer that we are not in Germany."

Can you think of no fairer way of getting rid of this unlucky lad? 'No, mein Herr; but as I commit him to your charge-' 'To my charge! to the charge of steel and gunpowder! and well, if it must be, it must; but you have a tolerably good guess what's like to come of it. 'O, my dear friend, I trust no degree of severity will be necessary, replied Glossin.

Huge ill-shapen head that Swartboy carried on his shoulders, there was an ample stock of brains in it; and a life of keen endeavour to keep his stomach supplied had taught him their exercise. At that moment Swartboy's brains came to the relief of the party. "Baas!" he said, endeavouring to restrain the impatience of his master, "vyacht um bige, mein baas! Leave it to da ole Bushy to close da door.

He stopped still beside his panting animals when he saw me, his high boots sunk in the mud. "Gut morning, poy," he said, wiping his red face with his sleeve; "what you do here?" "I am going to Charlestown," I answered. "Ach!" he cried, "dot is pad. Mein poy, he run avay. You are ein gut poy, I know. I vill pay ein gut price to help me vit mein wagon ja." "Where are you going?"

He must have taken the opportunity when you were in the house counting the linen." Now the corporal had time to recover himself, and he argued that anything was better than that he should be suspected. Smallbones was already known to have attempted the life of the dog, so he would leave the lieutenant in his error. "Mein Gott' he is von d d kill-dog feller," observed the corporal.