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"Rooney!" said Mr Hazlit, calling him back. "Mayn't I show him out, sur?" said Rooney, earnestly. "By no means." "Ah, sur, mayn't I give him a farewell kick?" "Certainly not." Mr Hazlit then expressed a desire to see Mrs Timms, and the green-grocer, thanking the merchant fervently for his timely aid, lighted a candle and led the way into the dark closet.

Only I mayn't use them till I'm seven, in case I cut my fingers." Dear little Geraldine Audrey! Everyone loved her. She was always so desperately in earnest, so unsuspicious of fraud, that her little life was made a burden to her in the holidays by reason of the pranks of her big brothers.

"He's only `taking a rise' out of you, as he would call it." "Humph! is he?" growled the Captain, blinking away and pretending to be very serious. "But, come now, we must be off. I want you to go along with me into Portsmouth; so, get your cap and we'll start at once." "Mayn't we come too?" shouted Bob and Nellie in one breath together. "Do say yes, Captain Dresser!"

But yet she agreed. But when Miss Bonner had gone, it turned out that the Major was the obstacle. They were all willing enough to have Evan there, but the Major refused. I didn't hear him. I wasn't going to ask him. I mayn't be a match for three women, but man to man, eh, Tom? You'd back me there? So Harry said the Major 'd make Caroline miserable, if his wishes were disrespected.

And I know it is right " "Why is it right?" He was up in arms again. Obstinate but how lovable! "Why mayn't I have the same luck as he had if it comes my way? I've never met a girl or woman that could hold a candle to you for all-round loveliness. And it's the East that gives you inside and out a quality, a bloom unseizable like moonlight " "But, my darling! You make me blush!"

"The ten thousand pounds had been paid to Mr. Frederick Hollis for a special purpose." "But by whom?" asked Starmidge. "That's precisely what I want to know! The knowledge will help me ah! I don't know how much it mayn't help me! For there's no doubt about it, gentlemen, Hollis went down to Scarnham to pay ten thousand pounds to somebody on somebody else's account!

I am not one of your scientific musicians who can build up everything in vacuo. I must translate everything into sound through my fingers. It was the same with Chopin." He pointed to a life of Chopin that was lying open on the couch beside him. "But you will do wonders with your left hand. And your right will perhaps improve. The doctors mayn't know," she pleaded, catching at straws.

"I wasn't on deck at the time, Mr Simple," said he, "or this wouldn't have happened. I had just been relieved, and I told Collins to look out sharp for squalls. I only mention it, that if you are saved, and I am not, you mayn't think I was neglectful of my duty. We arn't far from the land, but still we are more likely to fall in with a shark than a friend, I'm thinking."

"Get a good dinner into you, lad, and then come and talk to me," he said, putting a great paw on my shoulder, and leering apishly. "We mayn't go to bed to-night, after all, for, to tell you the truth, I don't like the colour of their sheets. You wouldn't mind sitting up, I daresay, not supposing well, that there was a ten-pound note hanging to it?" I opened my eyes at this.

"Oh, no, I daresay there's nothing much the matter," said Nancy. "It's perhaps Mr. Snell's bull got out again, as he did before." "I wish he mayn't gore anybody then, that's all," said Jane, not altogether despising a hypothesis which covered a few imaginary calamities. "That girl is always terrifying me," thought Nancy; "I wish Godfrey would come in."