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"You were just as beautiful in that blue cotton one, the day I first kissed you, Nan." "I know you thought so, Jim. But the world wouldn't have said it " "And to-night?" "They agreed with you. I could see it in the craning necks, the glances, the whispered comments, and the stare of mannerless men." "And you were proud and happy!" "Proud for your sake, Jim, yes and happy in your love."

Thither we hurried through the rain. The inside of the "castle" was blocked by a collection of filthy-looking sheds or rooms, which seemed to be full of Arabs and negroes and women wives of the khaylifa all of them squalid and mannerless: the paths between were littered with refuse.

And Larry Donovan had muttered that she was "an old crank" which was what one might expect of a mannerless janitor but no one had ever called her a fairy godmother. It sounded rather pleasant. She actually smiled as Mary Rose ran over to the popcorn wagon on the corner and came back with a bag of peanuts. "What wouldn't I give if Tom had a girl like that!" she sighed. "But then he'd have to move.

Even Miss Buckston felt it. Miss Buckston felt it, indeed, more than Althea, whose attitude towards her own native land had always been one of affectionate apology. 'Nice creatures, said Miss Buckston, 'undisciplined and mannerless as they are; but that's a failing they share with our younger generation. I see more hope for your country in that type than in anything else you can show me.

'And did you see how he shovelled his food down, hand over hand? Mannerless starveling! He has never so much as dreamt of white bread before. He is a new pair of shoes just now, and is treated with all ceremony.

Young was preaching, some of the congregation smoked, talked to each other, and answered the shouts of their companions outside, greatly to the disgust of Toyatte and Kadachan, who regarded the Kakes as mannerless barbarians. A little girl, frightened at the strange exercises, began to cry and was turned out of doors.

A wild burst of laughter followed, partly of derision and partly of delight in the excellence of the joke. The King was stung. He said sharply "Ye mannerless vagrants, is this your recognition of the royal boon I have promised?" He said more, with angry voice and excited gesture, but it was lost in a whirlwind of laughter and mocking exclamations.

The average level of good manners is high. My experience was not the widest, and I am always owning it was not deep; but, such as it was, it brought me to the distasteful conviction that in England I did not see the mannerless uncouthness which I often see in America, not so often from high to low, or from old to young, but the reverse.

Only now and then a robin molested a fruit tree; and the tap of the woodpecker was seldom heard. Hawks and crows that were left, looked so wistful and lonely they were not begrudged the little they ventured at times to take. Blackbirds troubled the corn but little, and were more reserved of their mannerless clack.

He did so shortly and impatiently. "He took you prisoner, did he along with Miss Bishop there?" "You are acquainted with Miss Bishop?" cried his lordship, passing from surprise to surprise. But this mannerless fellow had stepped past him, and was making a leg to the lady, who on her side remained unresponsive and forbidding to the point of scorn.