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He represented "Materialindex," and called out loudly, "Ich bitte mich nicht zu vergessen. Ich bin auch da." I was "Methode," which nobody wanted to claim; whereat I wept. I am looking at the flashlight picture of us all at this moment. Then came the dancing, and then at about four o'clock the walk home in the moonlight, by the old castle ruin in Handschusheim, singing the German student-songs.

Address, 1891; Cornu, Sur la Méthode Doppler-Fizeau p. Jour., vol. v., p. 1; Newall, Month. Jour., vol. x., p. 177; Month. Jour., vols. x, p. 180; xiv., p. 140; Lick Bulletin, No. 4; Bélopolsky, Astr. Amer. Acad., vol. xvi., p. 17; Observatory, vol. iv., p. 116. For a preliminary essay by T. S. Aldis, see Phil. Jour., Nos. 165-6, 255-6, 509. Ges., Jahrg. xxix.; but cf.

Cette méthode est l’idéal auquel l’histoire naturelle doit tendre; car il est évident que si l’on y parvenait, l’on aurait l’expression exacte et complète de la nature entière.”—CUVIER, Règne Animal, Introduction.

That the beginning of wisdom was in doubt, not in authority, was a novel doctrine in the world, but Descartes was no armchair philosopher, and his strong advocacy and practice of experimentation had a profound influence in directing men to "la nouvelle methode."

On returning home, after two years' absence, he adopted music as his vocation, and published his first elementary work the Singschule, which was introduced in Prussia and Germany as the méthode in schools; and soon after, the king of Prussia sent him the gold medal awarded to men eminent in the arts and sciences.

Nathaniel de Rothschild, but also a long line of princesses and countesses. In the salon of the Potocka he was intimately at home, and it was especially there he drew his musical portraits at the piano. Delphine, his brilliant countrywoman, vibrated with music herself. She possessed "une belle voix de soprano," and sang "d'après la méthode des maîtres d'Italie."

For instance, he cannot expect that I should give him twelve Etudes or a new Methode de Piano for 300 francs. In one word, for Paris I give these five compositions for 2,000 francs. If he does not care for them, so much the better. I say it entre nous for Schlesinger will most willingly buy them. But I should not like him to take me for a man who does not keep his word in an agreement.

The seeing eye which a true education will one day give us, may read man's history in the world we live in, and read the world with the full illumination of a united human vision the eyes of us all. Alcan, De la méthode dans les Sciences. Mach, History of Mechanics, Kegan Paul. Thomson, Science of Life, Blackie. Thomson, Science in the Nineteenth Century, Chambers.

In 1800 the mechanical management of the voice was not even thought of. This is conclusively proved by a most important work, the Méthode de Chant du Conservatoire de Musique, published in Paris in 1803. There can be no question that this Méthode represents the most enlightened and advanced thought of the vocal profession of that day.

I don't know whether she understood me or not, but she said no, it was "la methode de Pestalozzi." Just at this juncture she left the room, apparently to give the pupils a brief study-period, and simultaneously the concierge was called downstairs by a crying baby. A bright idea occurred to me and I went hurriedly into the corridor where my friend was taking notes.