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Perhaps it was no more than the brushing of a stray whiff of odorous brown hair against a weather-tanned cheek, the pulsing of a warm breath on the side of a muscular neck, a melting look from a pair of luminous eyes, some low-spoken word or the pressure of a hand, but whatever it was, each of the cowboys was reasonably certain he had been singled out for special favors.

Yet there echoed in her mind the low-spoken words 'I won't deceive you! I love you! And the recollection both frightened and touched her. Presently Farrell spoke again, quite in his usual voice. 'I shall be in despair if you leave me to tackle Cicely alone. She's been perfectly mad lately. But you can put it all right if you choose. Nelly was startled into turning back towards him.

Randal Courteney was no longer dissembling his interest. He had laid his pipe aside, and was watching with unvarying intentness the downcast childish face. He asked no questions. There was something in the low-spoken words that held him silent. Perhaps he feared to probe too deep.

After two or three essays his efforts were rewarded with success, the window being softly opened and Bowles' head thrust out, with the low-spoken ejaculation: "Hillo, below there!" "It's me Dickinson," was the equally low-spoken response. "If you're not all turned-in I'd be glad to have a few words with some of yer." "All right, my lad!" said Bowles. "I'll be down in a jiffey.

Now, in an instant, she had placed something so vast between them that he would not have dared to touch her hand or her hair. Like sun and cloud and wind she changed, and for him each change added to the wonder of her. And now it was storm. He saw it in her eyes, her hands, her body. He felt the electrical nearness of it in those low-spoken, trembling words, "You shall not!"

Springing up, the rector cautiously opens the door, when a dusty figure hastily pushes into the dark hall. Reverend Percy Langdon grapples with the intruder, who holds on, but attempts no violence. "Father!" is the low-spoken greeting. "Don't frighten mother, and I will explain."

A whispered conversation ensued in the rowboat, then two boys got cautiously to the deck of the cockpit. There followed a period of silence and a low-spoken command from below. A mighty yell suddenly broke from the midnight visitors. Howls and shrieks, Indian war-whoops and beating on the cabin with sticks, accompanied the shouts. "Pirates!

Moreover, he knew that the bare mention of water was a fiery torture to him, disguise it as he might. He sat a little longer, then rose to go. He fancied that there was a shade less of restlessness about this man, whom he knew to be suffering what no other man in the tent could have endured in silence. In response to a sign he stooped to catch a few, low-spoken words.

The greedy, vicious hours went by, and God still waited waited. Would he wait for ever? 'Nay! The intense, low-spoken word sent a shiver through the room. The revivalist passion had been mounting rapidly amongst the listeners, and the revivalist sense divined what was coming. To his dying day David, at least, never forgot the picture of a sinner's death agony, a sinner's doom, which followed.

Then followed the usual serio-comic scene, during which Dalrymple stood turned away from the open door, asking questions of the sick woman, and listening attentively for her low-spoken answers. To tell the truth, he judged of her condition more from the sound of her voice than from anything else.