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A pink flush grew on her weather-tanned face or perhaps it was the reddening sunlight stealing through some velvet piny space in the forest barrier. If it was a slight blush in recognition of his admiration she wondered at her capacity for blushing. However, Marie Antoinette coloured from temple to throat on the scaffold.

He rowed close up to the vessel's side, and there detained his boat in the still, sparkling stream, raised his weather-tanned face, and saw a very fresh, boyish face looking down. "O, Mr. Badger, come and get me!" "Wort Wentworth, is that you?" Simes knew that Wort had a reputation for scrapes, but was not prepared for this appearance under the present circumstances. "What are you doin' there?

"That's General Herkimer old Honikol Herkimer with his hard, weather-tanned jaws and the devil lurking under his eyebrows; and that young fellow in his smart uniform is Colonel Cox, old George Klock's son-in-law; and yonder rides Colonel Harper! Oh, I know 'em, sir; I was not in these parts for nothing in '74 and '75!"

Here is a stout, broad-shouldered, hard-handed, weather-tanned railway navigator, who would perform the hardest task with the greatest case and indifference; but it is a very different matter to the sedentary Liliputian workman of a manufacturing town. We can understand why the smooth-fingered silk-weavers of Spitalfields complained of being set to break stones.

Hitherto the girl had ridden with her eyes closely watching the tracks, but now she suddenly raised her sweet, weather-tanned face to her companion, and, with a light of the wildest excitement in her eyes, she pointed along the path and set her horse at a gallop. "Come on! I know," she cried, "right on into the hills."

Her brown, weather-tanned face lighted up with a glad smile when she recognised Lucy, and in reply to her inquiry she said she was carrying up water for the next day's washing. "And do you carry it all up from the river?" said Lucy. "Yes, miss, every drop," replied Nelly, with a weary little sigh. "Nelly, would you like to learn to read?" asked Lucy, plunging at once into her errand.

Arline had forgotten to look for gloves. Val read the consternation in their weather-tanned faces, and smiled in wicked enjoyment. She would shock all of Hope; she would shock even Arline, who had insisted upon this. Like a child in mischief, she turned and went rustling down the ball to the dining room. She wanted to show Arline.

The characteristic of the high cheek bones appeared to have been bred out of them, as were those of the relatively short legs and the muddy yellow skin. To call them yellow was more figurative than literal. Their skins were whiter than those of our own weather-tanned forest men.

High dignitaries, princes of the blood, sworded nobles, pale priests, weather-tanned officers of high command, court ladies with faces exposed, painted ki-sang or dancing girls who rested from entertaining, and duennas, waiting women, eunuchs, lackeys, and palace slaves a myriad of them. All fell away from us, however, when the Emperor, with a following of intimates, advanced to look us over.

There was a curious bleaching of Philip's weather-tanned face. It touched a chord in Carmela's impulsive nature. "It is all right," she nodded. "You can go to her." She left him there, more shaken than he had ever been by thunderous sea or screaming bullet. "They are cold, these English," she communed, as she passed up the slope to the house. "It takes something to rouse them.