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E che lo nuovo peregrin d'amore Punge, se ode squilla di lontano Che paia 'l giorno pianger che si muore." A famous passage, untiring in the repetition. It is, indeed, worthy to be the voice of Evening herself.

"Captain Lontano, the servants will show you a room where your men can guard the prisoners. You had better remain with them yourself. Let no one, except your own men, enter the room." Giuseppi was on the steps, and Francis stepped up to him and eagerly asked, "What news of the gondola?" "I found her, stove in and full of water, behind the piles close to the steps.

"No, to be sure not," said Piedro; "I DO mean to give no room for scandal. If I could get them to trust me as they do you, I should be happy indeed." "That is what you may do, if you please," said Francisco. "Adieu, I wish you well with all my heart; but I must leave you now, or I shall be too late for the market." Chi va piano va sano, e anche lontano. Fair and softly goes far in a day.

But when people have made up their minds, they are impatient of further evidence; my mother, moreover, was of a very retiring disposition. The Italians say: "Chi lontano va ammogliare Sara ingannato, o vorra ingannare." "If a man goes far afield for a wife, he will be deceived or means deceiving."

Ma di gioie la Soria E di fructi è più abbondante Tanta fama è per il mondo Del gran vostro alto Milano, Che solcando il mar profondo; Siam venuti da lontano, Gran paese soriano, Per veder se cosi sia, Bel paese di Lombardia." Still greater interest attaches to Lodovico's description of his own visit to the Certosa and of the alterations which he effected in the choir.

After mass last Sunday, Count Seeau presented me, en passant, to H.S.H. the Elector, who was very gracious. He said, "I am happy to see you here again;" and on my replying that I would strive to deserve the good opinion of His Serene Highness, he clapped me on the shoulder, saying, "Oh! I have no doubt whatever that all will go well a piano piano si va lontano." Deuce take it!

Let us wait here no longer." The sailors and servitors broke into a cheer as the girls came out of the hut. "Shall we put a torch to this place?" Francis asked Polani. "No, Francisco. It must be searched thoroughly first. "Captain Lontano, do you order four of your men to remain here, until some of the officials of the state arrive.

He invariably asserted the right of his King to uphold the cause of all the populations from the Alps to the Straits of Messina. If he adopted the proverb 'Chi va piano va sano, he kept in view the end of it, 'Chi va sano va lontano. In short, if he did not believe in Italian unity, he acted in the same way as he would have acted had he believed in it.

He lifted his hand with a gesture of attention as a rich mezzo- soprano rang out towards them, "Per carita Mostrami il cielo; Tulto e un velo, E non si sa Dove e il cielo. Se si sta Cosi cola, Non si sa Se non si va Ahi me lontano! Tulto e in vano! Prendimi in mano Per carita!" "It is Angela," said the Cardinal, "She has a wonderfully sweet voice." "Prendimi in mano, Per carita!"

In talking to an old woman who brought us strawberries, I was surprised to hear her pronounce the Italian proverb, "Poco a poco fa lontano nel giorno." I thought she must have been beyond the Alps no, she had never been out of her own mountains. The patois of these people is very agreeable a mixture of the Italian fond diminutives and accents on the last syllable Septembre, Octobre.

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