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Next mornin' I was eatin' breakfast in a barn miles away, and dreadful lonesome, when he came tearin' in, all mud and wet, with a great piece of rope draggin'. He'd gnawed it and come after me, and wouldn't go back or be lost; and I'll never leave him again, will I, dear old feller?"

"I'm a crusty, lonesome, crabbed old chap," he said aloud, "but there's something about that little girl makes me feel young again . . . and it's such a pleasant sensation I'd like to have it repeated once in a while." "Redheaded snippet," croaked Ginger mockingly. Mr. Harrison shook his fist at the parrot.

It did seem, as Jess afterward said, that Lizzie must have lost all her relatives and friends very recently, and was mourning for them all! "Goodness me!" she whispered to Laura. "No wonder they call her 'Lonesome Liz. She's so sad looking she's positively funny." "What do you girls want?" drawled the lean girl, resting her red elbows on the well-shelf and looking down at Laura and Jess Morse.

I guess Elijah's expectin' to be lonesome though, for he asked me if I'd mind his comin' up an' talkin' over the Personal column with me sometimes. I could see as he was more'n a little worried over how under the sun he was goin' to run the paper without me. As a matter of fact, Mrs. Lathrop, I've been the main stay of that paper right from the first.

The flame ran half-way round the coast and then popped through the middle of the paper and converted Mount Lonesome into a volcano." He gave a boisterous laugh and, raising his glass, nodded to Mr. Stobell. Mr. Stobell, who was just about to drink, lowered his glass again and frowned. "I don't see anything to laugh at," he said, deliberately. "He can't have been listening," said Mr.

It's about as lonesome a spot as you could find on the map. Nothing but fields and woods in sight, and a dusty road windin' across the right of way. Not a house to be seen, not even a barn. "You're sure this is Dorr's Crossin', eh?" I asks of the conductor as I hesitates on the step. "Oh, yes," says he, cheerful. "Don't seem to be usin' it much, does he?" says I.

From the dust-covered thickets along the road arose the chirrup of insects, the strange noises that make night lonesome; and a small stream, which in the light has flowed without noise over the slick, blue rocks, was rushing now with a loud gurgle, as if to hurry out of the dark. "Well, I turn back here," said Warren. "It is a piece of foolishness for you to go. There's no need of it.

If you can't hit it up agreeable like, you better quit." For a moment Conniston lay silent, plucking with nervous fingers at the worn red quilt. "What did he do to me?" he asked, presently. "Hit me over the head with a revolver?" Lonesome Pete nodded. "That's what you call fair play out in the West?" "What fooled me, Conniston, is that he didn't drill a couple er holes through you!

Couldn't you sometimes step across and chat with him and me, incidentally over here? I'm very nearly as lonesome as you are. Chicago is my home. I hardly know a soul in New York. Her solitary life in the big city had forced upon Elizabeth the ability to form instantaneous judgements on the men she met. She flashed a glance at the young man and decided in his favour.

My other window looked down the long, lonesome street to the blue Bay and the faint outline of the coast range beyond it.