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"Just make out Lon Beardsley won't be sore. This will be a terrible blow to him." "It's a good thing it isn't the other way around," said Joe. "If it were Lon who was on the broadcasting programme, we'd never hear the last of it. You'd be hearing about it ten years from now." The three friends finished their meal and returned to the broadcasting station, where Mr.

It was wonder, sheer wonder, she was so strangely beautiful." "She was more strangely beautiful before the darkness fell upon her," Lon said softly. "She was truly the Flush of Cold. She turned all men's hearts . . . and heads. She recalls, with an effort, that I once won a canoe race at Dawson I, who once loved her, and was told by her of her love for me.

Her bleeding lips and flaring eyes sent him a step from her. "If you leave me with Lem," she hissed her repetition, "then I'll jump in the river!" Seeing that he hesitated, she went on, "You stay right in here with Lem and me, Pappy Lon, and when we get to the hut I'll do what you tell me." Fledra heard Lem drop the old boot he had been mending and advance toward her.

At noon we were in lat. 54 27' S., and lon. 85 5' W., having made a good deal of easting, but having lost in our latitude by the heading off of the wind.

You're going to jump on Lon Lockhart and stomp him into the ground! Huh!" "Aw, shut your mouth!" answered Rimrock defiantly, "I never said a word about fight." "Uhhr!" grunted L. W. and put his hand in his pocket at which Rimrock became suddenly expectant. "Henry Jones," began the banker, "I knowed your father and he was an honorable, hardworking man.

Lon Cronk and Lem Crabbe had arranged between them that the scowman should return to Ithaca for some days, and so the big thief was alone near the Hudson, in a shanty that had been given over to him by a canal friend to use when he wished.

"Ye'll kiss him, jest the same!" ordered Lon. Closer and closer Lem came toward the girl; then suddenly he sprang at her like a tiger, crushing the slim figure against his breast. For a moment Flea was encircled by his left arm. Then she turned fiercely to the ugly face so close to hers, and in another instant had bitten it through the cheek.

Some old fears began to vanish, and her nights were no longer disturbed with horrible dreams of monsters and demons. But of all things in and about Old Studley Ah Lon most detested Mike the raven, and Mike seemed fully to return her dislike. He pecked viciously at the spindly Chinese legs and sent Ah Lon into convulsions of terror.

"If that being's the girl Mr. William sent she's got to look as such in some of Miss Jinty's garments and immediately." So Ah Lon, trembling like a leaf, was carried off to be attired like a little English child. "But as for looking like one, that she never will!" Mrs.

She was aware that his sister had come for her; but no thought entered her mind to give up the yoke that would soon be too heavy to bear. Then Governor Vandecar began to speak, and Fledra looked at him. "I have come to take back my own, Lon Cronk," said he, "that of which you robbed me many years ago."