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Their mamma had a headache, and had gone to lie down in a dark room, and Nurse Jane Fuzzy-Wuzzy had put a mustard leaf on the back of Mamma Littletail's neck, for that is sometimes good for a headache. "What shall we do?" asked Susie. "Oh, I don't know," replied her brother. "S'pose we play stump tag?" "All right; you're 'it, Sammie," called Susie. So Sammie began to hop after Susie.

Curly and Flop had never learned to cut things out of paper, and of course they did not know how. They just cut and slashed and didn't make anything but scrips and scraps. "Oh, dear!" exclaimed the teacher. "Such piggie boys I never saw! They can't even be in the baby kindergarten class!" "Maybe they can do something," said Susie Littletail's new baby sister. "Some trick or anything like that."

Let me see, where did I leave off last night? Oh, I remember now, I was telling you about Sammie Littletail's new playmate, Bully, the frog, and how they were about to have a jumping contest, when something happened. This is what happened: Bully was crouching down for a spring, when he suddenly looked up.

Well, Johnnie Bushytail was the pitcher, and he threw in such fine curves, and so many of them, that it was hard for Buddy and his friends to strike the ball. They did manage to hit it a little, and got three runs. Then it came the turn of Sammie Littletail's team again, and they got four runs, and so it went along until at the close of the game Sammie's team was eight runs and Buddy's only seven.

I guess I'll eat some to see how it tastes." So Buddy Pigg began to gnaw at the cabbage and, as he had very good teeth for gnawing almost as good as Sammy Littletail's he soon had quite a hole made.

"See, here I have Susie Littletail's talking and singing doll, which I have just had mended. Now you take the doll in your pocket, go to Mother Goose, and when she asks you to sing for your supper, just push the button in the doll's back. Then the doll will sing and Mother Goose will think it is you, and give you bread and jam." "Oh, how fine!" cried Tommie Tucker. "I'll do it!"

They squawked and they quacked, and they tried to pull Lulu out, but she was stuck too fast. Then all the other ducks came swimming up to see what the trouble was, and they tried to pull her out, but they couldn't, and, all the while her feet were wiggling as fast as they could wiggle, almost like Sammie Littletail's nose. Then Grandfather Goosey-Gander called out: "What ho! Make way there!

I'll stop that in a minute," replied the fairy kindly, so she waved her magic wand in the air three times. "Now your mamma's head is all better," she added. And, sure enough, when Susie ran in the burrow to ask Uncle Wiggily to come out, if Mamma Littletail's head wasn't all well. Wasn't that just fine? Well, at first Uncle Wiggily didn't want to come out.

Then it came Sammie Littletail's turn, and he knocked the ball so high that it went up in a tree and stayed there, and didn't come down. "Oh, that's no way to play!" exclaimed Jimmie Wibblewobble. "Now we haven't any ball. What did you do that for, Sammie?" "Well, I couldn't help it; could I?" asked Sammie, and he threw the bat up, trying to knock down the ball.

"Oh, no, don't," begged Mamma Littletail. "Yes, I shall to," spoke Uncle Wiggily. "Begging your pardon, of course, Alvinah." You see, Mamma Littletail's first name was Alvinah. So Uncle Wiggily danced a jig, and did it fairly well, considering everything. That afternoon Susie Littletail went for a walk in the woods.