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Except I wonder if ever a firefly has hastened downward toward the strange glow which we sometimes see in the heart of decayed wood, mistaking a patch of fox-fire for the love-light of which he was in search! In other species, including the common one about our homes, the lady lightning-bug is more fortunate in possessing wings and is able to fly abroad like her mate.

How do I know he wants to be enthroned and "idolized" in my heart? Yes, I was glad to see him go home early before I got so light-headed with happiness as to squabble over pie with Pink and put a lightning-bug into Tony's lemonade glass.

Standing just inside the hall, the major glanced down first at the floor and then up to where in a pendent nub a pinprick of light like a captive lightning-bug flickered up and down feebly as the air pumped through the pipe; and out of his chest the major fetched a small sigh. It was a sigh of resignation, but it had loneliness in it too.

"When I got my senses back there was a big feller sitting on me, nearly choking off my wind. He brung out one of them lightning-bug flashlights and turned it full on me, and then shouted like a maniac, 'Why, it's Cap'n Pott! 'That's me, but who in hell be you? I'm telling you just as I said it. He told me his name was Mack McGowan.

These impulsive natures are dramatic. George was dramatic, so is this Lightning-Bug, so is Buffalo Bill. When Cathy first arrived it was in the forenoon Buffalo Bill was away, carrying orders to Major Fuller, at Five Forks, up in the Clayton Hills. At mid-afternoon I was at my desk, trying to work, and this sprite had been making it impossible for half an hour.

The result was that Noble began to say something rather dreamy concerning the book just mentioned, but, realizing that he was being misunderstood, he changed his murmur into a cough, and inquired: "When was she over here, Herbert?" "Who?" "Your Aunt Julia." "Yesterday evening," said Herbert. "Now, f'r instance, you take a common lightning-bug " "Did she lose it, then?" "Lose what?" "Her earring."

The firefly has a hook-like integument on its body by which it is easily fastened to the hair or dress without any harm to itself. It seems as though nature had anticipated this peculiar use of the "lightning-bug," and so provided the necessary means for the purpose.

His rear was so marvelously bepatched with colored squares and triangles that one was half persuaded he had got it out of an atlas. When the sun struck him right, he was as good to follow as a lightning-bug. We hired him and dropped into his wake. He piloted us through one picturesque street after another, and in due course deposited us where we belonged.

"I d' know," said Herbert. "You take the common lightning-bug or, as it's called in some countries, the firefly " He continued, quoting and misquoting the entomological authority of the recent "Sunday Supplement"; but his friend on the other side of the fence was inattentive to the lecture.

"Possibly it was some sort of antarctic lightning-bug," ventured the professor, who had been intently listening to the account of the strange light. "Hardly likely," smiled Captain Barrington. "Tell us, Rastus, what it looked most like to you what did it resemble?" "Wall, sah, it presembled mos'ly dat big laight what yo' see on a snortermobile befo' it runs ober you.