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We boys can swim all right. Oswald has swum three times across the Ladywell Swimming Baths at the shallow end, and Dicky is nearly as good; but just then we did not think of this; though, of course, if the water had been deep we should have. As soon as Oswald could get the muddy water out of his eyes he opened them on a horrid scene.

We have just had a dinner- party indeed the carriages have not yet been brought round and the talk at dinner was about your verses, of course. The thing was brought up by a young fellow named Ladywell do you know him?

Looking right and left, he saw projecting from the next window the head of his friend Ladywell, gazing right and left likewise, apparently just drawn out by the same voice which had attracted himself.

'Ah, yes, you want to screen her, said Christopher, with a withering smile at the spot of light. 'Very sisterly, doubtless; but none of that will do for me. I am too old a bird by far by very far! Now are you sure she does not love Ladywell? 'Yes! 'Well, perhaps I blame her wrongly. She may have some little good faith a woman has, here and there. How do you know she does not love Ladywell?

Ladywell looked as if he sometimes knew secrets, though he did not wish to boast. 'Written, I presume you mean, in the Anacreontic measure of three feet and a half spondees and iambics? said a gentleman in spectacles, glancing round, and giving emphasis to his inquiry by causing bland glares of a circular shape to proceed from his glasses towards the person interrogated.

Both had been reluctant to remain where they stood, but they were too fascinated to instantly retire. Neigh moved now, and Ladywell did the same. Each saw that the face of his companion was flushed. 'Come in and see me, said Ladywell quickly, before quite withdrawing his head. 'I am staying in this room. 'I will, said Neigh; and taking his hat he left Ethelberta's apartment forthwith.

Reaching the organ chamber, he looked at the instrument, and was surprised to find behind it a young man. Julian first thought him to be the organist; on second inspection, however, he proved to be a person Christopher had met before, under far different circumstances; it was our young friend Ladywell, looking as sick and sorry as a lily with a slug in its stalk.

Walking through one of them reminds me of being at the bottom of some crevasse or gorge, the proper surface of the globe being the tops of the houses. 'You will come to take care of us, John? And you, Mr. Neigh, would like to come? We will tell Mr. Ladywell that he may join us if he cares to, said Mrs. Belmaine.

Her relatives believed her choice to lie between Neigh and Ladywell alone. But once having decided to pass over Christopher, whom she had loved, there could be no pausing for Ladywell because she liked him, or for Neigh in that she was influenced by him. They were both too near her level to be trusted to bear the shock of receiving her from her father's hands.

'As you asked me to stay, I was very pleased to do so, and always should be; but I think that now I will wish you good-bye. 'You are not vexed with me? she said, looking quite into his face. 'Mr. Ladywell is nobody, you know. 'Nobody? 'Well, he is not much, I mean.