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I'll have to tell you, then. It was three years ago. Pete was camped about nine miles the other side of Kulanche, on the Corporation Ranch, and his little year-old boy was took badly sick. I never did know with what. Diphtheria, I guess. And I got to tell you Pete is crazy about babies. Always has been.

She was ready when Homer come with her horse and off they rode on the twelve-mile trip. I gather that not much was said on the way by Homer who only muttered like a fever patient from time to time, with Minna saying once in a while how glad she was she had thought up this one sure way out of his trouble. At Kulanche they rode up in front of Old Man Geiger's office, who is justice of the peace.

"I'm a desperate man!" says Homer. "You say it's the only way out, and you know the law; so come along to Kulanche with me." And he beat if off to the barn. Well, Minna had said she'd do anything she could, thinking she'd write herself to Judge Ballard and find out all the details; but if Homer wanted her to go to Kulanche with him and try to start the thing there why, all right.

"Come on, set in with us and have some coffee and a cigar. Here, Jeff, bring the lord a good cigar. We was just talking about you that minute. How do you like our town? Say, this here Kulanche Valley " I lost the rest. His lordship had seated himself. At his own table Belknap-Jackson writhed acutely. He was lighting a second cigarette the first not yet a quarter consumed!

With a pointed chip in the slender fingers of one lean brown hand a narrow hand of quite feminine delicacy he cleared the ground of other chips and drew small figures in the earth. "Some of your people cut up in a fight down at Kulanche last night," I remarked after a moment of courteous waiting. "Mebbe," said Pete, noncommittal. "Were you down there?"

"They had 'em down to the post office at Kulanche the other day showing 'em off, each one in a red shawl; and sneering at people with only one. And this imbecile Homer says to me: "'Of course it can't be hoped, he says, 'that this great world war will last that long; but if it could last till these boys was in shape to fight I bet it wouldn't last much after that.

The veterinary asked if we had heard about the Indian ruction down at Kulanche last night Kulanche Springs being the only pretense to a town between our ranch and Red Gap a post-office, three general stores, a score of dwellings, and a low drinking place known as The Swede's. The news had not come to us; so the veterinary obliged.

She would come to the Kulanche County Fair at Red Gap, assemble all her stock there, give one of these here demonstrations in economic canning, and auction off the whole lot with a glad hurrah. She thought mebbe, with her influence, she might get Secretary Baker, or someone like that, to come out and do the auctioning all under the auspices of Mrs.

It was being told in Kulanche County, Washington, and in Patagonia and Philadelphia and Africa and China, and them places; in clubs and lumber camps and Pullman cars and ships and saloons in states that remained free of the hydrant-headed monster, Prohibition in tents and palaces; in burning deserts and icy wastes.

What had blighted the poor thing was having to teach public school for a dozen years. She'd been teaching down to Kulanche that year and had just closed up. We set out in front of the house and Minna told me she was all in; and how she'd ever got through the season she didn't know. She went on to speak of little children. Fire in her voice? Murder!