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At first the black woman was a shock to Everett, but after Upsher dismissed her indifferently as a "good old sort," and spent one evening blubbering over a photograph of his wife and "kiddie" at home, Everett accepted her. His excuse for this was that men who knew they might die on the morrow must not be judged by what they do to-day.

"Julia," said Marie, "I've often wanted to ask someone who would be honest with me and you're the honestest person I knew do you think I I've let myself go very badly?" "My dear kiddie!" Julia cried low, "why, you you've been brilliant." "Look at me," said Marie, thrusting forward her face.

Dear life, if I'd known that, I mightn't 'ave been so ready to give you a ride with me!" she said, and laughed. "Not that I'm afraid of Tom, though he's a queer customer. I've given a good many glasses of new milk to his 'kiddie, as he calls that little lad of his, so I expect I'm fairly in his favour." "I've never seen his 'kiddie," said Helmsley. "What is the boy like?"

An' when you comes up, trustin' me right down to the dust, an' requestin' me ter make up a armed escort, well, I reckon I was plumb on the job, an' didn't look fer no extravagant reward like this." He indicated the bundle of bank notes. "But there were other plans," insisted Kiddie. "You'd planned to rob me on your own account. Don't deny it. Be candid.

"Like to go buffalo huntin', Rube?" he asked. "Wouldn't I just!" Rube answered. "But you'll come, too, won't you?" "Oh, yes," Kiddie agreed. Rube was so hungry after his long fast that he considered the Indian food quite delicious, and he ate heartily.

But Sheila only slackened her pace, and dropped behind, where he could neither see nor hear her. At a bend in the trail, where it entered a deep gully, overshadowed by trees, Kiddie looked round to assure himself that the hound had obeyed him. To his surprise he saw her still following him closely. He drew rein, dropping from a swift gallop to an easy canter. Still Sheila was close behind.

"Thank you, Simon," returned Kiddie. "But you've done enough in helping me to rescue young Rube here. We'll stay the night in your camp and then get back to our canoe and home to Sweetwater Bridge." "What's your all-fired hurry?" questioned Simon. "You'll stay as long as ever you like. It can't be as long as I should like. Stay a while for my sake. Just consider.

After a while the climbing became quite easy, and he reached the rounded shoulder of Lone Wolf Mountain without difficulty. Here, however as Kiddie afterwards discovered he was obliged to make a long detour in order to get to the farther side of the mountain. Rube started off at a brisk walk, and was in hopes of reaching camp early in the forenoon.

The first rays of vivid color resolve into a hundred Japanese geishas; they come dancing, waving paper umbrellas down Yale Field; on their heels press Dutch kiddie, wooden-shod, in scarlet and white, with wigs of peroxide hair.

Isa had taken out his pocket-book and pencil. "If you'll sing out the things that are missin', Kiddie, I'll make a list of 'em," he said. "But I can't tell you right off," objected Kiddie.