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Professor Keredec's voice could often be heard in every part of the inn; at times holding forth with such protracted vehemence that only one explanation would suffice: the learned man was delivering a lecture to his companion. "Say then!" exclaimed Amedee "what king of madness is that? To make orations for only one auditor!"

In regard to what he does remember, Professor Keredec has anxiously impressed upon him some very poignant necessity for reticence. What the necessity may be, or the nature of the professor's anxieties, I do not know, but I think Keredec's reasons must be good ones.

"I wouldn't have frightened her to please the angels in heaven!" A blunderer whose incantation had brought the spirit up to face me, I stared at him helplessly, nor could I find words to answer or control the passion that my imbecile scolding had evoked. Whatever the barriers Keredec's training had built for his protection, they were down now. "You think I told a lie!" he cried.

"No; we weren't talking of him." "Why not? He's in it, too. Bullieve me, he THINKS he is!" "In the excitement, you mean?" "Right!" said Mr. Percy amiably. "He goes round holdin' Rip Van Winkle Keredec's hand when the ole man's cryin'; helpin' him sneak his trunks off t' Paris playin' the hired man gener'ly. Oh, he thinks he's quite the boy, in this trouble!"

"And when you come to Monticelli's first style " Miss Elliott's voice rose a little, and I caught the sound of a new thrill vibrating in it "you find a hundred others of his epoch doing it quite as well, not a BIT of a bit less commonplace " She broke off suddenly, and looking up, as I had fifty times in the last twenty minutes, I saw that a light shone from Keredec's window.

As he went up the steps, the courtyard reverberating again to his laughter, his arm resting on Saffren's shoulders, but not so heavily as usual. The door of their salon closed upon them, and for a while Keredec's voice could be heard booming cheerfully; it ended in another burst of laughter. A moment later Saffren opened the door and called to me.

Harman's aunt, who lived in London, the only relative he had left, I believe and she has died since put him in Keredec's charge, and he was taken up into the Tyrol and virtually hidden for two years, the idea being literally to give him something like an education Keredec's phrase is 'restore mind to his soul'! What must have been quite as vital was to get him out of his horrible wife's clutches.

"My dear fellow," interposed George quickly, "you underrate Professor Keredec's shrewdness. His plans are not so simple as you think. He knows that my cousin Louise never obtained a divorce from her husband." "What?" I said, not immediately comprehending his meaning. "I say, Mrs. Harman never obtained a divorce." "Are you delirious?" I gasped. "It's the truth; she never did."