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"You fix a bed for them," said Kat. So Kit turned up the box they had been sitting on, and put some hay in it; and they put the ducks in on the hay. Pretty soon the ducks went to sleep. Kit and Kat ran away to play out of doors and forgot all about them. They didn't think about them again until Father Vedder came home at night with Mevrouw Holstein.

"What a shame!" she cried regretfully; but Kat resumed her seat with the comforting remark: "Slice it over, and cover it up with icing; it will never show in the world; you see, if I hadn't been in here, it would have been burnt up." "I guess I've got a nose," retorted Kittie, beginning to beat eggs with a swiftness that brought high color to her cheeks.

It has been many, many months since the sweet possibility" but there Kat jumped up, scarlet and ashamed. "Oh, Mr. Murray! I'm not Kittie; I'm so sorry; but I thought I meant I don't know just what.

"It might amuse you, Kat!" was her irreverent way of putting it. "Unfortunately, there seems to be some difficulty about it." At this moment Lady Caithness came up, and cordially expressed her regrets that she could not accede to Madame Brügel's suggestion. "Had you been staying until next week, Miss Bates, I would gladly have arranged for it, but to-morrow is a very special occasion.

"It will be so much nicer, and what splendid big lemons, and enough sugar to make a gallon." "A gallon won't come amiss, I guess, people are ravenously thirsty such weather as this; why, I feel like I could drink a quart myself this very minute; where's Kat?" asked Ralph, drawing another package from his pocket.

"It's my only talent, dear," answered Kat cheerfully, beginning to work on the table, where she made the dishes rattle. Bea trailed slowly through the room with her broom and dust pan, and a rather discontented face.

Grandfather showed them how to bait their hooks. Kit baited Kat's for her, because Kat said it made her all wriggly inside to do it. She did not like it. Neither did the worm! They all sat down on the end of the pier.

Whirling, foaming waters rushed down the mountain-side to join the dark river far below. Then on into a dark snowshed where the hurrying beat of the revolving wheels resounded shrilly and produced a meaningless rhythm in his thoughts. Kat ter feld, Kat ter feld, Kat ter feld, came the echo from the black beams of the shed.

He went zigzag across the canal; once or twice he stopped to skate in curves. Kat didn't stop for anything. She kept her eyes on the windmill, and she skated as hard as she could. They were getting quite near the mill now. Kit stopped playing and began to skate as fast as he could. But Kat had got the start of him. "I'll soon get ahead of her," he thought. "She's a girl, and I'm a boy."

I wonder what they are: something good, I expect?" Kat sat down on the ladder to look out the window, as Bea hurried out on to the porch to meet the young man of packages, and receive his burdens, if they were offered to her. "I was meditating this morning," said Ralph, sitting down on the steps with an exhausted air.