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If you are not, if you are weak, if you do not succeed, well, you must be happy in that. No doubt it is the best you can do. So, then, why will? Why be angry because of what you cannot do? We all have to do what we can.... Als ich kann." "It is not enough," said Christophe, making a face. Gottfried laughed pleasantly. "It is more than anybody does. You are a vain fellow. You want to be a hero.

Joseph is said to be a portrait of El Greco; and there also is a large canvas showing Christ with several of his disciples. Notable examples both. The Velasquez comes from the collection of the late Edouard Kann and is a life-size bust portrait of a sweetly grave little girl.

Zur blutigeu Schlacht, zum rachenden Sieg Uber den, der uns Freundsehaft gelogen! Und Tod und Verderhen dem falschen Mann, Der treulos den Frieden brechen kann!" To bloody battle, to avenging victory over him who has lied friendship to us! And death and destruction to the false man who has perfidiously broken the peace!"

Herder, curiously enough, did not read the Sentimental Journey until the autumn of 1768, as is disclosed in a letter to Hamann written in November, which also shows his appreciation of Sterne. “An Sterne’s Laune,” he says, “kann ich mich nicht satt lesen.

Then comes the moral of the tale expressed with a naive forcefulness to which a translation cannot do justice: Drum soil kein Pfaff, kein Kardinal, Kein Sunder nie verdammen; Der Sunder mag sein so gross er will, Kann Gottes Gnad erlangen. Two other sources supplied Wagner with material for as many effective scenes in his drama.

"Do go and ask him what it is that they all have against me," he said to the friend who knew all the details of the catastrophe that Pons could tell him. "Mennseir," Schmucke began diplomatically, "mine friend Bons is chust recofering from an illness; you haf no doubt fail to rekognize him?" "Not in the least." "But mit vat kann you rebroach him?"

Nun kann ich aber hoffen, dasz wir, so viel von dem Wege noch uebrig sein mag, in Gemeinschaft durchwandeln werden, und mit um so groeszerem Gewinn, da die letzten Gefaehrten auf einer langen Reise sich immer am meisten zu sagen haben. Letter of 1794. The coupled names of Goethe and Schiller denote a literary epoch as well as a peculiarly inspiring personal friendship.

This whole scene is strictly in accordance with history; and the additional verse, if not literally the same, renders at least the sentiment of the lines which were sung on that memorable evening. And the audience repeated once more the last two lines "Und Tod und Verderben dem falschen Mann, Der treulos den Frieden brechen kann!" All eyes then turned to the royal box.

He has his father's house property, supposed to be worth another million, and he has let the Grand Hotel de Hollande already to a cousin of the Graffs." "You look sad ven you look at your friend," remarked Schmucke, who had listened with great interest. "Kann you pe chealous of him?" "I am jealous for Fritz's happiness," said Wilhelm. "Does that face look as if it belonged to a happy man?

In his retirement he will read the lines of Schiller a favourite quotation in Germany "Der Mohr hat seine Schuldigkeit gethan, der Mohr kann gehen." "The Moor has done his work, the Moor can go." And in his old age he will exclaim, as Shakespeare makes the great Chancellor of Henry the Eighth exclaim, "Oh Cromwell, Cromwell!