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The worker had to borrow for each; and the more he borrowed, the more closely he riveted upon himself the chains of peonage.... The present conflict started in February, 1926, when Archbishop Jose Mora del Rio, head of the Church in Mexico, issued a statement in the press declaring war against the Constitution."

He talked of Honey Lake, of Shasta County, and of Humboldt. "But you can't tackle it at this time of year, with winter comin' on," he advised Saxon. "The thing for you to do is head south for warmer weather say along the coast. It don't snow down there. I tell you what you do. Go down by San Jose and Salinas an' come out on the coast at Monterey.

I know that Colonel-Mason was beset by them to use his position to make a fortune for himself and his friends; but he never bought land or town-lots, because, he said, it was his place to hold the public estate for the Government as free and unencumbered by claims as possible; and when I wanted him to stop the public-land sales in San Francisco, San Jose, etc., he would not; for, although he did not believe the titles given by the alcaldes worth a cent, yet they aided to settle the towns and public lands, and he thought, on the whole, the Government would be benefited thereby.

"There is but the one door the window is barred and too narrow for the passage of a child.... Yea, I grant, as did Mortimer Ferne, his knavery, but now, as nearly as we can sail to the wind of the truth, the man, desiring restitution and reward, speaks plain honesty." "He spoke 'plain honesty' after the taking of the San José," muttered Arden.

Bertie repeated with a groan; "my hands are regularly blistered already, and my arms and back ache dreadfully." "Well, fire away! Why, Jose has done twice as much as you have, and he has hardly turned a hair. I don't suppose that he has had much more practice than you have had, and he is nothing like so strong."

Don José only answered with two or three words in a sharp tone, and the gipsy, casting a look of deep contempt at him, retired to a corner of the room, and taking an orange, peeled it and began to eat it. Don José took my arm, opened the door, and led me into the street. We walked some way together in the profoundest silence.

Excitement and good will reigned; even Don Jose had forgiven the young offenders, and they all talked at once, at the top of their voices, as fast as they could rattle and with no falling inflection. Roldan and Adan were pressed to remain at the Hacienda Perez until the search was over, and although the former had a secret yearning for adventure he was more than half inclined to consent.

F.V. Greene, Brigadier-General of Volunteers, United States Army. B.P. Lamberton, Captain, United States Navy. Charles A. Whittier, Lieutenant-Colonel and Inspector-General. E.H. Crowder, Lieutenant-Colonel and Judge-Advocate. Nicholas de la Petra, Auditor General Excmo. Carlos, Coronel de Ingenieros. Jose, Coronel de Estado Major.

Other villages are San Jose de Ocoa, also known as Maniel, 18 miles northeast of Azua, founded in 1844 in a picturesque region; Tubano, 34 miles northwest of Azua; El Cercado, 12 miles southwest of Las Matas de Farfan; and Comendador, near the Haitian frontier, 13 miles west of Las Matas de Farfan, the seat of one of the inland custom-houses.

The following day, descending from the plain and passing through a deep valley, we caught sight of a herd of similar creatures, which Don Jose told us were vicunas. Their shape appeared slighter and more elegant than that of the alpaca, with a longer and more graceful neck. The colour of the upper part of the body was a reddish yellow, while the under side was of a light ochre.