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I'll come to the window and wave my pocket-handkerchief when they're ready. And do come in by the door like an ordinary person, and ask the maidservant if you may see me." "I will bear it in mind," answered the Jinnee, and suddenly sank, or seemed to sink, through a chink in the pavement.

The usual residence of the Sultan is now at Jinnee. The city is a place of great sanctity, and no person has the privilege of smoking in it that is to say, defiling it, but the Touaricks, who are there so overbearing and unmanageable, as to be above the local laws.

You've got me into a nice scrape, and you'll have to pull me through it as well as you can." "Have no uneasiness," said the Jinnee, as he accompanied his protégé into the marquee, which was brilliant with pretty women in smart frocks, officers in scarlet tunics and plumed hats, and servants in State liveries.

"Far is he from being of an amiable disposition," answered the Jinnee, simply, "and he would be so transported by rage and jealousy that he would certainly challenge thee to mortal combat." "Then that settles it," said Horace. "I don't think any one can fairly call me a coward, but I do draw the line at fighting an Efreet for the hand of a lady I've never seen. How do I know he'll fight fair?"

Brown moved the lamp, and its beams fell on a rifleman who stood close beside him at attention like a jinnee formed suddenly from empty blackness. "Arrest this fakir. Cram him in the clink." "Very good, sir!" The sentry took one step forward, with his fixed bayonet at the "charge," and the fakir sat still and eyed him. "Oh, have a care, sahib!" wailed the Beluchi. "This is very holy man!"

You seem," he went on, with a strong effort to keep himself in hand, "to have formed some plan for marrying me to a King's daughter. May I ask you for full particulars?" "No honour and advancement can be in excess of thy deserts," answered the Jinnee.

"As thou wishest, Rrisa. But come, take his feet. I will hold him by the shoulders. So! Now, forward!" "And have a care not to breathe the sand, Master," Rrisa warned. "Turn thy face away when the jinnee smite!" Stumbling, heavy-laden, the three men made their painful way down to the beach, turned to the left, and plowed southward in deep sand.

Altogether, Horace walked to Great Cloister Street that morning in a fairly cheerful mood and amiably disposed, even towards the Jinnee. With all his many faults, he was a thoroughly good-natured old devil very superior in every way to the one the Arabian Nights fisherman found in his bottle.

Then Satan the stoned, whom may God confound, will depart from him," said Achmet. "But in the meantime I must see him, immediately." "He goes to-morrow. That is why he is afflicted to-day," said The Jinnee. "I think, hanoum, he would go without seeing you again. It is a grievous thing to say to one's beloved, 'I leave you. I have said it. I was young then. I am old now, but I have not forgotten."

The communication between Jinnee and Timbuctoo is principally by water, and with light boats the journey can be accomplished in seven days, but the distance is a month by land. The navigation of the Niger is extremely difficult, and in the dry season the boats are continually grounding, whilst in the wet season people are in constant dread of being precipitated on the rocks.