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For a quarter of a mile their way lay over a kind of porous gravel into which their feet sank, and beyond at the summit of a ridge Jarvo halted and threw back to them a summary warning to prepare for "a long leap."

"Farewell, adôn," said Jarvo, bowing low, "may the gods permit the possible." "Of course you will communicate with us to-morrow," suggested St. George, "so that if we wish to send Rollo down to the yacht " "The gods will permit the possible, adôn," Jarvo repeated gently. There was a flash of Akko's white teeth and the two little men were gone. St.

"A trust," comprehended Amory; "an absolute monarchy is a bit of a trust, anyhow. Of course, it's sometimes an outraged trust..." he murmured on. "The adôn," said Jarvo humbly, "will understand that we, I and Akko, have borne great risk. It is necessary that we make our peace with all speed, if that may be. The very walls are the ears of Prince Tabnit, and it is better to be behind those walls.

George told her briefly, omitting the yacht's ownership, explaining merely that the paper had sent him and that Jarvo and Akko had pointed the way and, save for that journey down nebulous ways in the wake of her veil the night before, sketching the incidents which had followed his arrival upon the island.

With a word to Balator who explained where, on his return, he could find them, Amory turned with Rollo, and slipped through the crowd. Having reasons of his own for getting back to the hall below, Amory was prepared to speed well the interview with "the little brown 'un" who, he supposed, was Jarvo. It was Jarvo Jarvo, in a state of excitement, profound and incredible.

Amory hunted for his pipe, found and lighted it, pressing a cigarette upon Jarvo who accepted, and held it, alight, in the palm of his hand. "To-night," he repeated, as if it were a game. "Ah well, now," said Amory reasonably, "why, Jarvo? And we so comfortable." The little man looked at Amory beseechingly. "I know what I know," he said earnestly, "many things will happen.

George understood with magnificent unconcern that Amory and Rollo were gone off there to wait for the return of him and Jarvo; he took it for granted that Jarvo had grasped that Olivia must be taken back to her aunt and her friends at the palace; and afterward he knew only, for an indeterminate space, that the car was moving across some dim, heavenly foreground to some dim, ultimate destination in which he found himself believing with infinite faith.

Beneath an altar set with censers and basins of gold was a chest brought from Amathus, its ogive lid carved with bigæ or two-horsed chariots, and it was in this chest, Jarvo told them, that the Hereditary Treasure had been kept.

He and Amory and Jarvo had, with the king, left the chamber by the upper passages, and Amory and Jarvo knew nothing of the jewels. Yet St. George was certain that he could not have been mistaken, and he listened breathlessly for what the king would say. King Otho, with a smile, nodded in perfect imperturbability. "That is true," he said, "I had forgotten all about it."

From there, delicately lighted, greenly arched, and on this festal night, quite deserted, went the road by which, the night before, they had entered Med. "Now," said St. George between set teeth, "now see what you can do, Jarvo. Everything depends on you." Evidently Jarvo had been waiting for this stretch of open road and expecting the other car to take it.