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"You see'd us?" he asked, and, letting his eyes travel along the line, he chuckled to himself softly and at length. "Well, now, I'm glad o' that. Q. he won't never believe." "I certainly saw you," I answered; "but as for believing " "Iss, iss," he interrupted, with fresh chucklings; "a fair knock-out, wasn' it? . . . You see, they was blind poor fellas!" "Drunk?"

"What iss it?" asked the old man. "You forget someting?" "No," said I, stammering. "It is nothing." He looked at me dubiously. "Well, then," I admitted; "I miss something from my commode here. Some one has taken it." "It iss of value, perhaps?" he inquired politely. "Well, no; not of intrinsic value. 'Twas only a slipper of white satin, made by Braun, of Paris." "One slipper? Of what use?

Over our Hellaby beef and Munich beer we talked of copra and the beautiful girls of Buda-Pesth, of the contemplated effort of the French government to monopolize the island trade by subsidizing a corporation, and of the incident of the afternoon. "The Herr Doktor is new," said Kriech, with a wag of his head. "That O Lalala! I have heard that that poker iss very dansherous.

More dey break my heart dan I break their cursed heads. One day I use strong words, like white man, and I hit one large lump too hard; he break, and out come de white clear stone. Iss, him diamond. Long time we know him in our kraal, because he hard. Long time before ever white man know him, tousand years ago, we find him, and he make us lilly hole in big stone for make wheat dust.

We've traded there long enough to make him trust us for a week or two." "Do you think he will?" she asked. "I think so." On this account, Hurstwood, this very day, looked grocer Oeslogge clearly in the eye as he ordered a pound of coffee, and said: "Do you mind carrying my account until the end of every week?" "No, no, Mr. Wheeler," said Mr. Oeslogge. "Dat iss all right."

"I haf been at a wedding and a funeral and a baptism all in one week all among the sem people. And I was at one young man's wedding one day last year and at his funeral the same day the next week after." "That was dreadful," said Margaret. "Do you think it would be safe to fix it for the following Wednesday, Mrs. Carré?" "Oh yes, I think! There iss no one very sick. Mr.

"And who may that be?" demanded Jim Cuttance. "My uncle, Thomas Donnithorne of St. Just," said Oliver. "Whew!" whistled the fisherman in surprise, while all the others burst into a hearty fit of laughter. "Why do you laugh?" asked Oliver. "Oh, never mind, sur, it's all right," said the man with a chuckle. "Iss, you may tell Thomas Donnithorne; there won't be no harm in tellin' he oh, dear no!"

"Is the sun shining?" he asked in a low voice. "Iss, it do shine right in thee face, Jim," said one of the miners, brushing away a tear with the back of his hand. Again the gravity of Penrose's countenance appeared to deepen, but he uttered no other word; so they brought an old door and laid him on it.

"It will be myself that has found it out, and it iss only what might be expected, but I am not saying that you will be believing me." "Out with it, Donald; let's hear what kind of people we 've come amongst." "They 've been just fairly left to themselves, and the godless bodies hef taken to watering the whisky."

"Liable to nothin'. Stealin'! If folks don't steal no more 'n I do, I'll risk 'em. I'm a-takin' my lawful pay, I be. If you take my advice, you'll take somethin', too." Minna Eddy moved from the room with the rug gathered up in a roll in her arms, but Marie had been gradually recovering herself. Now she came forward. "You must not take that; that iss not your rug," said she.