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He said to those English gentlemans at our meeting last night that England should haf someting to offset California on the west coast; because, though Mexico claims California, the Yankees really rule there, and will rule there yet more. He iss right; but they laughed at him." "Oh, I think little will come of all this talk," I said carelessly. "It is very far, out to Oregon."

"Well, he can still put you in prison," said Orde. "Vot I care?" cried Heinzman, throwing up both his arms. "You and your wife are my friends. She save my Mina. DU LIEBER GOTT! If my daughter had died, vot good iss friends and money? Vot good iss anything? I don't vant to live!

Trees rose high above the small house, and inside the fence were tall spires of delphinium, bluer than the sky. "The flowers iss so pretty," said Nico. "And on the porch behind of the vines is a chicken in a gold cage," cried Vicente. Rose-Ellen folded her lips over a giggle, for the chicken was a canary. Just then a head popped up behind a red rosebush.

She held her close and kissed her. The caressing touch was too much for the girl. With a rush the tears came. "Och, oh," she cried, lapsing into her Highland speech, "it iss ashamed of myself I am, but no one has done that to me for many a day since since my father "

"What about you, Patsy?" he asked suddenly, turning to the bulky, bald German cook who was thumping bread dough in a far corner. "You got any homestead or desert rights you ain't used?" "Py cosh, I got all der rights dere iss," Patsy returned querulously. "I got more rights as you shmartys.

There are some people" very scornfully "will not go by the churchyard at night, and" lest so sceptical a mind should provoke reprisal "I do not know that I woult myself. And down by the Coupée But the house there iss too new to have anything like that." "Well, if I see any I'll try and catch one and bring it down to breakfast."

When Marget came round the corner of Lachlan's cottage, she found Flora's plants laid out in the sun, and her father watering them on his knees. One was ready to die, and for it he had made a shelter with his plaid. He was taken unawares, but in a minute he was leading Marget in with hospitable words. "It iss kind of you to come to an old man's house, Mistress Howe, and it iss a fery warm day.

Sinclair; "I am engaged." "It iss the Council isspeech of the Legal Member, sir, and it iss to go at five p.m. to his house for last correction." "Presently, Babu. Don't interrupt. As I was saying, Miss Howe, I make it warm for him till he apologises. I must say he always apologises, and I don't often ask more than that.

But in the mornin' ye'll gang up to the hoose, for the laird wud be ill-pleased if we keepit ye here." "Pray, who is this laird?" asked Barret; "your wife has already mentioned him." "Maister Gordon is his name. He lives near the heed o' Loch Lossie. It iss over eight mile from here," said Ian; "an' a coot shentleman he iss, too.

"But that Bent bwoy's bin at en for months; an' a year older too," said Joan. "Iss, the bwoy's got no more'n what 'e desarved. For that matter, they Bents be all puffed up, though they'm so poor as rats, an' wi'out 'nough religion to save the sawl of a new-born babe 'mongst the lot of 'em."