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There was a group around the bed Max Wilson, two or three internes, the night nurse on duty, and the Head. Sitting just inside the door on a straight chair was Sidney such a Sidney as he never had seen before, her face colorless, her eyes wide and unseeing, her hands clenched in her lap. When he stood beside her, she did not move or look up. The group around the bed had parted to admit Mrs.

Accompanying them were seventy internes and surgeons from the staffs of the hospitals, and more than 125 male and female nurses. St. Vincent's sent the greatest number of ambulances, at one time, eight of them from this hospital being in line at the pier.

Miss Marshall took kindly to idleness talking a good deal of previous cases, playing solitaire, and talking freely to Molly of various internes and patients who admired her. She marked herself at once as unused to children by calling Timothy "little man," and, except for a vague, friendly scrutiny of his tray three times a day, did nothing at all even leaving the care of her room to Belle.

The nurse stepped into the hall and nodded to the attendants and the doctor. They were about to move forward when The Spider gestured feebly to the doctor. "Get me to my feet." "I won't bother you much after that." And The Spider, who felt that his strength was going fast, tried to raise himself on the stretcher. This effort brought the internes to his side.

"She is very young." "Prefer 'em young," said Dr. Max. "Willing to learn at that age. You'll have to watch her, though. You'll have all the internes buzzing around, neglecting business." Miss Gregg rather fluttered.

"Thanks, Mademoiselle Roy! It is just for sake of the fair internes of the Convent that Drouillon and I have taken up the vocation of statesmen, warriors, philosophers, and friends. We are quite ready to guide your innocent footsteps through the streets of this perilous city, if you are ready to go." "We had better hasten too!" ejaculated Louise Roy, looking archly through her eye-glass.

They lifted him to his feet and shuffled awkwardly through the doorway. Swaying between the internes, his shriveled body held upright by a desperate effort of will, he fought for breath. Pete raised on his elbow, his dark eyes wide. "Spider!" he exclaimed. The internes felt The Spider's slackened muscles grow tense as he endeavored to get closer to the cot. They helped him a step forward.

Fringing this small inner circle of his heart was a kaleidoscope of changing faces, nurses, internes, patients, visitors a wall of life that kept inviolate his inner shrine. And in the holiest place, where had dwelt only his Father, and not even the superintendent, the Dummy had recently placed the Avenue Girl. She was his saint, though he knew nothing of saints. Who can know why he chose her?

For moments George Hazlitt looked out upon a new world a miserable world vast, blurred, upside down. People were moving in it. Dead internes. They passed with faces intent upon their own solitudes. Buildings were in it. They burst a skyrocket of windows into the night. There was snow. It fell twisting itself out of the darkness. Familiar faces, buildings, snow.

The land tax and the rentas internes, or internal revenue tax, are two governmental measures which the rich classes fought to the extreme of bitterness, and which they would revoke to-morrow if it lay in their power to do so. An aristocracy represents a survival of the fittest not necessarily the ideally fit, but the fittest to meet the conditions under which it must prove a survivor.

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