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Go to the next County; go to Kaintucky, Injianny, Ohio, Illinoy, Kamskatky, New Guiney, Jericho, or Polkinhorn's tanyard if you like." "Afo' God, I don't know what tuh do, or wha tuh go," said the negro despairingly. "If yo' leab me here, I know dat ole mas'r 'll fin' me an' done kill me daid." "Niggers is like mules," remarked Groundhog savagely.

Apparently he found the tale most amusing. "Well, if that ain't the rummest story ever I heard! It beats a novel by 'bout a mile. I never was married myself, sir, but I've got a blamed pretty girl waitin' for me back in ol' Illinoy, an' I reckon I know what she'd want me to do in a case like this. Sure, I'm with you until the cows come home, and so are the rest o' the boys.

I guess it is; ther hain't no such farm in this part of Illinoy, nor anywhere else that I knows on. Two-story house, and painted instead of being whitewashed; blinds on the winders; no thirty-dollar horses in the barn, an' no old, unpainted wagons around; no deadened trees standin' aroun' in the corn-lot or the wheat-field not a one.

"It was court day, and I had just come in after a stiff tussle with a pig-headed judge, an irritating opposing counsel, and a H County jury. I thought of old Uncle Peter Whitehead, 'The onriest critters in the whole State of Illinoy come out o' H ! Thar ain't no tellin' which way an H County jury's a goin' to jump.

Si remembered the fragrant and delicious fried ham that so often garnished his mother's breakfast table and wondered why there was not the same proportion of hams and sides in the Commissary that he remembered in the meathouse on the Wabash. He remarked to Shorty one day: "I wonder where all this pork comes from?" "It comes from Illinoy, I suppose," said Shorty.

For a minute this was satisfactory; then their ingrained distrust of any thing a Rebel said or did returned, and they shouted: "No, no; let some of us read it; let Ilinoy' read it " The Rebel looked around in a puzzled manner. "Who the h l is 'Illinoy! Where is he?" said he. I saluted and said: "That's a nickname they give me."

Mebbe it'll raise white beans, but I don't know o' nothin' else, except niggers and poverty. The man that'd stay 'round here, scratchin' these clay knobs, when there's no law agin him goin' to Injianny or Illinoy, hain't gumption enough to be anything but a rebel. That's my private opinion publicly expressed."

I only wish that the sisters generally would get your reseet. Yes, that's what he said, 'a leetle the nicest." Tom "An' then, we'll hev biscuits an' butter. I'll just bet five hundred dollars to a cent, and give back the cent if I win, that we have the best butter at our house that there is in Central Illinoy.

I only wish that the sisters generally would get your reseet. Yes, that's what he said, 'a leetle the nicest." Tom "An' then, we'll hev biscuits an' butter. I'll just bet five hundred dollars to a cent, and give back the cent if I win, that we have the best butter at our house that there is in Central Illinoy.

My friend, there aren't ten families within a hundred miles of that place." Mapes laughed, his mouth opening like a red gash, exhibiting a row of yellow fangs. "No, I reckon not; but thar's a hell ov a lot o' fellers thar whut ain't families, but kin eat. Didn't yer know, pardner, thar's a right smart war on? thet the Illinoy militia is called out, an' is a marchin' now fer Yeller Banks?