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He, standing there, alert and quizzical, found it odd to note how unfamiliar beaming faces climbed out of the hurly-burly of retreating backs, to say, "Don't you remember me? I'm so-and-so." These were the people whom he had lived among once, and some of these had once been people whom he loved. Now there was hardly any one whom at a glance he would have recognized. Nobody guessed as much.

When a steamship was in port the Tiare was a hurly-burly. Perhaps forty or even a hundred extra patrons came for meals or drinks. It was amusing to hear their uncomprehending anger at their failure to obtain quick service or even a smile by their accustomed manner toward dark peoples.

And Michael, spilling over with unused vitality from the cramped space of the Eugenie's deck, scampered down the beach in a hurly-burly of joy, scenting a thousand intimate land-scents as he ran, and describing a jerky and eccentric course as he made short dashes and good-natured snaps at the coconut crabs that scuttled across his path to the safety of the water or reared up and menaced him with formidable claws and a spluttering and foaming of the shell-lids of their mouths.

Mark, who is Peter's mouthpiece, describes the desperate plight as one on board knew it, and says the boat was 'filling. It must have been a serious gale which frightened a crew who had spent all their lives on the lake. His calm slumber is contrasted with the hurly-burly of the tempest and the alarm of the crew. It was the sleep of physical exhaustion after a hard day's work.

"By an avalanche of boys, who swept everything, hurly-burly, into outer darkness," supplied Breckenridge. "You can guess, perhaps, what the kitchen must be looking like, can't you?" "Indescribable," murmured Sue. "You're not going to invite us to put it in order for you, are you, Don? and wash all those dreadful, gaudy plates and cups?" "Just take a look out there, will you?"

Then Clodius took upon himself, in revenge, to turn against the Triumvirate altogether, and to repudiate even Cæsar himself. But it was all a vain hurly-burly, as to which Cæsar, when he heard the details in Gaul, could only have felt how little was to be gained by maintaining his alliance with Pompey.

He was welcomed with such a shout of mingled laughter, greeting, and jesting, that the room was in a complete hurly-burly; and a plain-looking, stout, elderly lady, who had come in just behind him, was suffered to stand unnoticed. "It's Miss Janet," whispered Nancy "Mr. Marshchalk's aunt. Nobody wants to see her here; she's one of your pious kind, and that's a kind your aunt don't take to."

The defect is a tiny one; none the less it is a defect. With the final crash of the Ride a new element is introduced. The godlike rejoicing in sheer strength disappears, and an agitated theme sounds out if, indeed, we may call it a theme and then we get a lull after all the hurly-burly.

Tall, slim minarets and beflagged temple-spires rise out of it and give it picturesqueness, viewed from the river. The city is as busy as an ant-hill, and the hurly-burly of human life swarming along the web of narrow streets reminds one of the ants.

"Wouldn't stop fer it ef 't had a bag o' gold into it!" grunted the other, slogging on his paddle with renewed vigour as he looked forward to the camp-ground still so far ahead. He was hungry and tired, and couldn't even take time to fill his pipe in that hurly-burly. Meanwhile the bateau had swept down swiftly, and passed them at a distance of not more than a hundred yards.