United States or Benin ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I was trying to keep them here in this corner of Mondunbarra and they're reasonably safe unless unless the Chinaman knows the state I'm in but if they cross the boundary into Avondale Tommy will hunt them over the river, and Sollicker will get them."

Not a fire can start up for a hundred miles but the mushroom cone of smoke is visible from Grass Mountain and the rangers spur to the work of putting the fire out. Though thousands of outsiders camp and hunt in Pecos Cañon every year, not $50 loss has occurred through fire; and the fire patrol costs less than $47 a year.

Soon a cavalcade moved through a side-gate of the yard, through a Blue-grass woodland, and into a sweep of stubble and ragweed; and far up the road on top of a little hill the mountain boy stopped his old mare and watched a strange sight in a strange land a hunt without dog, stick, or gun. A high ringing voice reached his ears clearly, even that far away: "Form a line!"

"It's real mean in them to leave us here," said Gypsy, looking round among the trees. "You know," suggested Sarah, timidly, "you know Mr. Hallam said we were to stay at the tents. Perhaps they came while we were gone, and couldn't find us, and have gone to hunt us up." "Oh!" said Gypsy, quickly, "I forgot."

He stood up beside me. "Yes," he said, "there is nothing for it but to hunt the sphere. Nothing. We may find it certainly we may find it. And if not " "We must keep on looking." He look this way and that, glanced up at the sky and down at the tunnel, and astonished me by a sudden gesture of impatience. "Oh! but we have done foolishly! To have come to this pass!

"I think," said Robin, reflectively, "that now I will hunt for the lion and the tigers on the stairs " "Bring him into my room until his bedtime," said Miss Monogue, laughing. "It's safer. Mrs. Tressiter is busy and has quite enough children in with her already."

Many of the disbanded soldiers have turned robbers and, although the royal governors hunt down and string up many, they are still so numerous that travellers from one town to another always journey in strong parties, for protection. "How did Pierre get on, in England?"

I answered: "you are the voice that cried in the wilderness before ever the Baptist came! you are the shepherd whose wolves hunt the wandering sheep home ere the shadow rise and the night grow dark!" "My work will one day be over," she said, "and then I shall be glad with the gladness of the great shepherd who sent me." "All the night long the morning is at hand," said Adam.

A lot of these new women run with the hare and hunt with the hounds, beguile some poor innocent of a man to ruin them and then call in fathers, brother, husbands, friends, chivalry, all the rest of it, and make the best of both sides of a sex. Suppose we go on behaving like that. After we've got all our emancipations.

But the thought of Texas could not easily be dug out of mind, not when a man had carried it with him for most of his life. Texas, where he had almost been born, Hunt Rennie's Texas. What was it like? A big wild land, an outlaws' land. Didn't they say a man had "gone to Texas" when the sheriff closed books on a fugitive? Yes, Drew had to admit he wanted to see Texas.