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Miss Anthony was "moved up," as she expressed it, to Honorary President. Peck, Catt, p. 107, Washington Post quotation. To Laura Clay, April 15, 1900, University of Kentucky Library, Lexington, Kentucky. Ibid., March 15, 1900. Ibid. Ibid., Sept. 7, 1900. Ms., Diary, Nov. 10, 1900. Ibid., Sept. 26, 1900.

My brother marked a tree at spring F 79, which he found to be in latitude 26 degrees 13 minutes. I named this spring Wilkie Spring, after the Honourable Dr. Wilkie, the honorary treasurer of the Burke and Wills Exploration Fund, who took such a lively interest in Australian Exploration. 28th. Continued on eastward and soon struck Mr. Gosse's cart-track.

and having sealed it with an old military button, dropped it into the letter-box, a proceeding more in keeping with the importance of the communication than if he had delivered it by hand. The honorary secretary went one higher he sent his reply by post. It was polite, and to the point.

Paterson was Hamilton's personal selection, and it still throbs with something of his own energy. Meanwhile he was being elected an honorary member of colleges and societies of arts and letters, and persecuted by portrait painters and sculptors. Every honour, public and private, was thrust upon him, and each new victory was attended by a public banquet and a burst of popular applause.

During these two years I also went a little into society, and acted as one of the honorary secretaries of the Geological Society. I saw a great deal of Lyell. One of his chief characteristics was his sympathy with the work of others, and I was as much astonished as delighted at the interest which he showed when, on my return to England, I explained to him my views on coral reefs.

It must be a source of gratification to the alumni and faculty of Harvard College that its president and governing boards were, in June, 1877, in the judicious minority, and recognized their appreciation of Hayes by conferring upon him its highest honorary degree.

He bore the honorary title of "colonel," and was to some extent regarded as the governor's deputy; but in later times his duties were confined entirely to military matters. Hist. of the U.S., vol. i. pp. 388-407; also Edward Ingle in Johns Hopkins Univ. If now we sum up the contrasts between local government in Virginia and that in New England, we observe:

Carlyle a brougham. Few men have left on the whole so unimpeachable a record in money matters. In November 1854 there occurred an incident hitherto unrecorded in any biography. The Lord Rectorship of the University of Glasgow having fallen vacant, the "Conservative Club" of the year had put forward Mr. Disraeli as successor to the honorary office. A small body of Mr.

"The Romans had patricians, knights, citizens, and slaves: for each class different dresses and different manners honorary recompenses for every species of merit mural crowns civic crowns ovations triumphs titles. When the noble band of patricians lost its influence, Rome fell to pieces the people were vile rabble.

"Chunky's uncle is going to get him a pony?" asked Tad a bit unsteadily. "We hope so," nodded Walter. "And that's not all. We are going to get Ned Rector to join the club. He already has a pony. Wish you might come in with us, Tad." "Wish I might," answered Tad wistfully. "Of course, we know you can't really, but you belong to us just the same. You can be a sort of of honorary member.