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The thought of Miss Ashwell was comforting, her room was the "homiest" place Judith knew, so she tapped at the door of the pleasant little brown room at the end of the corridor. Miss Ashwell was knitting to-day. She was nearly always knitting for some one else, thought Judith, as she idly watched the needles flashing.

Lulu had noted the momentary hesitation, and flushed hotly under it; but the kiss set all right, and she returned it as warmly as it was given. "It seems nice to see you and uncle Edward again, aunt Zoe!" she said, "and nice to get back to Ion, though Viamede is so lovely." "Yes," chimed in Rosie. "Viamede is almost an earthly paradise, but Ion is the homiest home of the two."

Linton discovered that it was time for supper; and the boys, tired after their long journey, were not long in saying goodnight. Jim came up with Norah, and switched on her light. His eye travelled round the pretty room. "I don't know what part of home's HOMIEST," he said "but I always reckon your room runs pretty near it! Blest if I know what it will be like when you're not here, little chap."

"I'm tired of nothing you do for me," he rejoined. "This is the homiest time I've had in England." Beth smiled. In spite of poverty, anxiety, and fatigue, it was the "homiest time" she had had since Aunt Victoria's death, and she loved it.

From baby days this had been a Sunday night custom, and more passed between these two in those twilight hours than anyone else ever kenned. The Admiral's study was one of those rooms which seem full to the very ceiling of wonderful memories, and was also one of the homiest rooms at Woodbine. It was the hour before tea time.

Stubby pushed two chairs up to the fire, waved Jack to one, and extended his own feet to the blaze. "I've seen the inside of a good many homes in town lately," MacRae observed. "This is the homiest one yet." "I'll say it is," Stubby agreed. "A place that has been lived in and cared for a long time gets that way, though. Remember some of those old, old places in England and France?

In three months more the new arrangement was consummated and little Dutchy or Zuleika, as he subsequently named her was duly brought to Newark and installed, at first in a charming apartment in a conventionally respectable and cleanly neighborhood, later in a small house with a "yard," lawn front and back, in one of the homiest of home neighborhoods in Newark.

It was while he was in Philadelphia that he told me the beginnings of the love affair which eventually ended in his marrying and settling down into the homiest of home men I have ever seen and which for sheer naïveté and charm is one of the best love stories I know anything about.

As for Miss Jillgall, she lifted her poor little sunken eyes rapturously to the sky, as if she called the homiest sunlight to witness that this was the most lovable woman on the face of the earth. But elderly female fascination offers its allurements in vain to the rough animal, man. Suspicion of Mrs. Tenbruggen's motives had established itself firmly in my mind.

Adjusted Relationships "It's the homiest spot I ever saw it's homier than home," avowed Philippa Gordon, looking about her with delighted eyes. They were all assembled at twilight in the big living-room at Patty's Place Anne and Priscilla, Phil and Stella, Aunt Jamesina, Rusty, Joseph, the Sarah-Cat, and Gog and Magog.