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There was a latent devilry about her; and behind the sparkle and the glitter a film, a mist, as it were, which lent almost a pathos to her appearance. The effect it had on me was to make me tend to forget that I hated her. We arrive. I mutter something about having the pleasure. Eva says I can have the last two waltzes. Here comes a hiatus.

"Did William Hinkley do this?" demanded the old teacher earnestly. "Ay, that he did, did he!" "I can hardly understand it. There must have been some grievous provocation?" "Yes; it was a grievous provocation, indeed, to have to wait for grace before meat." "Was that all? can it be possible!" The mother of the offender supplied the hiatus in the story and Calvert was somewhat relieved.

The word love had been replaced by that of friendship, and to repair this slight fault of prosody, the extra syllable disappeared in a hiatus which would have made Boileau's blond wig stand on end. But the Sacred Heart has a system of versification of its own which, rather than allow the dangerous expression to be used, let ultra-modesty destroy poetry!

Whatever be the truth of the case, there is, to be sure, hitherto an 'hiatus valde deflendus'. The meeting of the parliament will certainly be very numerous, were it only from curiosity: but the majority on the side of the Court will, I dare say, be a great one. The people of the late Captain-general, however inclined to oppose, will be obliged to concur.

The development of distinct branches of humanity has already brought about such a severance between races and classes which are in totally distinct stages of evolution. So wide is the hiatus between them often, that the lowest form of sex attraction can hardly cross it; and the more highly developed mental and emotional sex passion cannot possibly bridge it.

And let me direct you, for the next occasion when you shall bring the vowels I and A, in verbally detached letters, into collision, that you do not fill the hiatus with so pronounced a Y. It is the vulgarization of our tongue of which I accuse you. I do not like my girl to be guilty of it." He smiled to moderate the severity of the correction, and kissed her forehead.

In thorough contrast to the language of Livius, that of Naevius is easy and clear, free from all stiffness and affectation, and seems even in tragedy to avoid pathos as it were on purpose; his verses, in spite of the not unfrequent -hiatus- and various other licences afterwards disallowed, have a smooth and graceful flow.

If Professor Bischoff had taken the trouble to refer to p. 96 of the work he criticises, in fact, he would have found the following passage: "And it is a remarkable circumstance that though, so far as our present knowledge extends, there IS one true structural break in the series of forms of Simian brains, this hiatus does not lie between man and the manlike apes, but between the lower and the lowest Simians, or in other words, between the Old and New World apes and monkeys and the Lemurs.

He would clear his father if he could, and if there were any mere hope of doing it, he would watch this fellow as a cat watches a mouse, and would go on doing it until both of them were gray. 'By the way, said Barter innocently, 'do you never take a hand at His supple fingers supplied the hiatus, dealing out an imaginary pack of cards with the flourishing dexterity native to them.

Now, if they reply "Oh! as to that, we adopt for our faith all that ever we did profess when members of the Scottish kirk" then in effect they are hardly so much as a dissenting body, except in some elliptic sense. There is a grievous hiatus in their own title-deeds and archives; they supply it by referring people to the muniment chest of the kirk.