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They rang upon the lawn, then pattered down the drive; they passed desolately out of the gate, they were lost on the highway, and then the world became blank again. "'Luke, said my mother timidly, 'Mrs. Clendenning Heraine is dead. "'I know it, said I quietly. "She seemed surprised, and interrogated me with her eyes.

But, clear and musical, above the hell of sound rang the tinkling feet which had led me around the globe. "I called aloud. I quickened my pace. I could see only in glimpses through my tears; but along the steep sinuosities of the path something fluttered and vanished, and fluttered again I recognized Heraine. "I knew now the fidelity of her affection.

Why had he been retained at her side, and I sent alone and wretched before? My wrists knotted nervously as these accusations took shape, and my blood became gall. "'I beg pardon, he said curtly; 'but are you the young man we are looking for? "I asked through my teeth whom he designated in the term 'we. "'Heraine, of course, he replied; 'give me your hand!

I stood, stiff and numb in horror, staring into the gulf. The roar of the cataract was smothered to a babble. The rainbow vibrated tremulously to the dropping harmonies. I saw the familiar shadow as it gided to my feet. A soft hand thrilled me with its touch, and the old voice said, "'Dear Luke, I am Heraine, come back. "I could not stir. My eyes were forged to the abyss.

We fraternized immediately, and I felt all the newness of a regenerated life. My temperament was fitful as of yore, but the gloomy spectres vanished; and my attention being weaned from the slighter occurrences of nature, I was no longer racked by their tremors and jars. The soft face of Heraine seemed to hush all chaos, and when she smiled I thought that the very earth had ceased to roll.

"I made the ascent on foot, and could see, from the base of the ridge, the skein of foam shining through the pines in its everlasting flight down the rocks. I became accustomed to the sound as I gradually approached, and mused, with gladness, of an early return to England. Heraine would acknowledge my vindication.

"'She died at twilight yesterday, I stated; 'as the first candles were lit in the lodge and the earliest star appeared I heard her footsteps. "'At that time she passed away, sobbed my mother. 'Oh, Luke! you were cruel to the poor girl. Her parting prayer was made for you. To the last you stood between Heraine and heaven. "'At that time, mother, I was sitting at my window.

The quiet tone was seconded by an assuring glance, and directly we were conversing without restraint, as if friends of years rather than acquaintances of an hour. "Heraine was the impersonation of composure. The neutral tint of dress corresponded with the smooth tresses of her brown hair. Her touch was magnetic, and petulancy vanished at her smile as at a charm.

"One day I ventured to Falling Waters, a reservoir which is precipitated from a cliff, called Campbell's Ridge, into a gorge of the Shawnee Mountains. The deafening roar of the cataract would be almost deathly to me; but, strengthened by the promise of Heraine, I determined to add this achievement to the long list of inflictions endured for her sake.

"She did not wait for me to speak, though I thrilled and turned deadly white. "'And because so pleasantly, I contemplate my farewell with regret. "'Your farewell, Heraine? "'Yes, she said firmly; 'to-day this afternoon this hour I bid adieu to Glengoyle! "I fell forward in my seat, forcing down my heart, which sobbed and swelled, and the whole world rang, flared, and burst into violence.