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"Gawd, ain't I glad to git out o' this hell-hole," he said to the man next him. "The next one may be more of a hell-hole yet, buddy," said the sergeant striding up and down with his important confident walk. Everybody laughed. "He's some sergeant, our sergeant is," said the man next to Fuselli. "He's got brains in his head, that boy has."

"I'm wondering about the same things our fathers wondered about," she said. As Gregory said nothing, she went on hurriedly: "Did you ever stop to think that if Mascola and that gray boat lay in at Hell-Hole that they are doing it with Bandrist's permission? That means that whatever they are doing there, Bandrist is in on it." She paused abruptly and her eyes rested full on Gregory's face.

"Hello, youngster, what's your name?" Rubbing my lame shoulder, I said, "Well it might be Jones and it might be Smith, but it ain't, and I don't know what affair it is of yours, any way." "Oh! come now, boy, don't get huffy. You've got an honest face and appear to be in trouble. What is it? Out with it. You're evidently a tenderfoot and this hell-hole of vice isn't a place for a boy of your years.

'I never was led such a dance in my life; the fellow carried me all round and round till he brought me to the edge of the cliff, and then down he went into Hell-hole, telling me he'd be here in ten minutes; 'tis more than that now, but he's not come. 'Ho, ho, ho! colonel, isn't he here? Teigue never told a lie in his life: but, Mr.

The launch rocked lazily. Through a rift in the fog he saw a rocky beach only a stone's throw away. They were anchored close by the shore. "Hell-Hole," announced Lang in a whisper. Gregory picked up his rifle. For a moment the big fisherman by his side hesitated. Then he said: "Why not stay on the Gull, Mr. Gregory? Let Joe go ashore with me." "No." The answer was decisive.

Harvey about as good as dead, old Feeny dying, most like, the clerk and Mullan and some other trooper of the escort burned to ashes in that hell-hole there, and Donovan and this last one some of our fellows think is Flynn, from 'F' troop shot to death. It's worse than Apache, lieutenant, and there'll be no use trying to restrain our fellows when we catch the blackguards."

And by doing it too quickly too little good would be accomplished." Waxing crafty, yet, as I believed, writing truth, I continued: "I need money badly, and if I cared to, I could sell my information and services to the New York World or New York Journal for a large amount. But I do not intend to advertise Connecticut as a Hell-hole of Iniquity, Insanity, and Injustice.

We were dead-tired and we were hoping for a good long rest, when in marched a big bunch of reinforcements, and shortly after we received orders to pack up and be ready to move that night. It was raining when we started out, and oh! we did feel rotten to have to go back to that hell-hole again. But the new fellows didn't know what it was like, and we laughed and joked with them.

I don't want to settle down: been settled in one cursed place long enough, by gad! I should think you could see that." "But you wanted to come home to Brookville, father. Don't you remember you said " "That was when I was back there in that hell-hole, and didn't know what I wanted. How could I? I only wanted to get out. That's what I want now to get out and away!

"The Gray Ghost ran the Curlew down about an hour ago off the Hell-Hole Isthmus," he said. The two strangers drew closer and listened intently to the news while Dickie chafed at Gregory's failure to get under way. "That means we've got to be off," exclaimed one of the men. "How about going over in that speed-boat of yours?" Gregory nodded. "That's what I was figuring on," he said.