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She is not jealous, she is only lonely, heart-hungry, disillusioned. You are less noble, less considerate, less tender, less sympathetic than she believed.

Almost as if she desired to eradicate the memory of her emotional admission, she gave her vivacity full play. For a few minutes he tried to bring back the close intimacy of their souls, but she fenced him off, and met his heart-hungry glances with the gayest of smiles. Roselawn, she told him, had been transformed into a convalescent home, and Lord and Lady Durwent were living in one of the wings.

I've got to go through life heart-hungry, loving other people's babies instead of my own, and stepping aside to let all the fair things go past me. Poor little Marion! She looked very wistful and pathetic at that moment. A lump rose in my throat as I strove to dry her eyes and find words of comfort. She sobbed on unrestrainedly, however, and nothing I could say would soothe her.

And to bed, when she had put her dishes away, went Marilla, frowning most resolutely. And up-stairs, in the east gable, a lonely, heart-hungry, friendless child cried herself to sleep.

The little woman plainly had forgotten us. She was no longer Mrs. Jonas Whitermore among a crowd of strangers listening to a great man's Old-Home-Day speech. She was just a loving, heart-hungry, tired, all-but-discouraged wife hearing for the first time from the lips of her husband that he knew and cared and understood.

Then, heart-hungry and lonesome, he broke through the vow he had made, and writ to Isabelle; but Isabelle had gone from the old place she didn't git the letters. Then he writ agin, for his love wuz strong and his pride weak weak as a cat. True Love will always have that effect on pride and resolve, etc. But no answer came back to his longin' and waitin' heart.

But just the same, the great world is heart-hungry for real knowledge of the All-Father, eager to embrace any faith that does no violence to its reason, to grasp at any tangible thread of hope of a happy life with loved ones beyond the tomb's dark portals. Prof.

"And it's a fact that nobody gets down this way often," Henry responded. The brown tags sprung under their feet; now and then a dew-wet branch swept Hiram's cheek, seeking with its cold fingers to stay his progress. It was an enchanted forest, and the boy, heart-hungry from his two years of city life, was enchanted, too!

"I will now send Simpson home with you, in my carriage," solicitously remarked Johnstone, as the hour grew late. "There is a prince's ransom on that sword and, you did not bring your noble charger! You must treat him well for my sake for my daughter's sake!" "Will Miss Johnstone return soon?" said the heart-hungry lover, catching at this last straw. "It is undetermined!

Mary broke in with sudden passion, lifting her distorted countenance to the cruel light. "He did!" she affirmed. "You have no business to sneer and say he didn't he DID!" It was not for nothing that the heart-hungry girl had brooded for months over a few acts and words, magnifying them through the spectacles that Nature and her needs had provided.