United States or Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Having thrust the letter under the door, David fled hastily down the stairway and into the street, where he began to pace back and forth like a sentry on his beat, never for a single instant losing sight of the window whence streamed the feeble rays of the candle from which he was to receive the signal of hope or despair.

He always spoke hastily, sometimes even brutally, and it even seemed as if he had a grudge against his wife, for at times he answered her roughly, almost angrily.

It was a shock to the others when a wailing cry came to their ears from the vicinity of the chicken coop. Priscilla, who was just filling her dish-pan with steaming water, set the kettle down so hastily as narrowly to escape scalding herself, and ran to the scene of the excitement.

"I may remain here until the armies leave this section," she replied quietly. "There is too much risk in travelling alone." "You might ride with us," he suggested gallantly. She shook her head, her lips smiling. "I think I better not." "Does that mean you are still angry?" "I didn't know I had been, Captain. Perhaps I spoke rather hastily, but you must forgive that."

She did, bestriding the back of the middle seat and dropping at his side. The magnetic fingers again touched his; he felt her warm breath on his neck as she bent toward him. "It's nothing," he said, hastily, more agitated by the treatment than the wound. "Give me your flask," she responded, without heeding.

"Is that a good picture of Alice?" she said with an effort. "Yes," he answered, hastily snapping the lid shut. "Helena, what are we going to have for dinner?" "Oh, nothing very much, I'm afraid," she told him ruefully. Then rising, she held out her hand. "Come! We mustn't quarrel again. I don't know why we always squabble!" "I'm sure I don't want to," he said.

"But SHE has, I expect," Nevitt put in hastily; "and if I were you, Cyril, I'd hunt her up forthwith, while the iron's hot, and find out all there is to find out about her. Clifford-Clifford? I wonder whether by any chance she's one of the Devonshire Cliffords, now? For if so, she might really be worth a man's serious attetion. They're very good business.

She looked hastily over her shoulder at the approaching oarsman. "I think it will be safer to remain in your boat," she said. "Oh, it will be entirely safe," he replied bitterly. "Mr. Merriweather must have seen you carrying me." "That's another thing which I can't help." "Mr. Scofield," she began softly. He arrested his oars, and turned wondering eyes to hers.

That same evening, as the sun was sinking, and the distant sounds of battle were growing faint in the air, a tall, stately woman, leading by the hand a boy of scarcely six years, walked hastily in the direction of a wood which skirted the banks of the River Tyne.

Chances are that no one at home will want to be bothered with an infant that don't actually belong to 'em, so I shouldn't wonder but what I'll have her always. What are you laughing at?" "I was just thinking that you didn't mention anything about being a grandmother to her." "Is that meant to be sarcastic?" "Not at all," said the Captain hastily, noting the look in Mr. Mott's eyes.