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Zucker confided to Haring that the latter was totally mistaken in attributing a stand-offish attitude to Banneker. Why, you couldn't ask for a more reasonable man. Saw the point at once. "Don't you go making any fool promises on the strength of what Banneker said to you," commented Haring.

Beside the sweating and agonizing business manager, Marrineal looked very cool and tolerant and mildly amused. "If you did that, Mr. Haring, do you appreciate what the result would be? We should have another editorial worse than the first, as soon as Mr. Banneker could think it out. No; you leave this to me. I'll manage it."

But Tertius Marrineal and his business manager, a shrewd and practical gentleman named Haring, had done a vast deal of expert figuring, as a result of which the owner strolled into his editor's office one noon with his casual air of having nothing else to do, and pleasantly inquired: "Busy?" "If I weren't, I wouldn't be worth much," returned Banneker, in a cheerful tone.

Banneker's, eh? And to whom was Mr. Banneker responsible? Mr. Marrineal, alone? All right! They would see Mr. Marrineal. Mr. Haring was sorry, but Mr. Marrineal was out of town. Well, in that case, Banneker. They'd trust themselves to show him which foot he got off on. Oh, Mr. Banneker wasn't there, either.

Banneker's wit and skill will not be turned again to the profit of our competitors who, by the way, do not advertise in The Patriot." Haring eagerly gave the assurance. He would have given assurance of Banneker's head on a salver to be rid of these persecuting autocrats.

Haring thinks that three raises a year is all the traffic will bear. The fact is, Mr. Banneker, that the paper isn't making money. We've run ahead of ourselves. You're swallowing all the profits." Banneker's inner voice said warningly to Banneker, "So that's it." Banneker's outer voice said nothing. "Then there's the matter of advertising. Your policy is not helping us much there."

Just as morning was breaking John Haring of Horn the man who had kept a thousand at bay on the Diemar Dyke, and who now commanded one of the vessels gained a footing on the deck of the Inquisition unnoticed by the Spaniards, and hauled down her colours; but a moment later he fell dead, shot through the body.

He tried in vain to rally them, but was swept away by the rush of fugitives, many of whom were, however, able to gain their boats and make their retreat, thanks to the valour of John Haring of Horn, who took his station on the dyke, and, armed with sword and shield, actually kept in check a thousand of the enemy for a time long enough to have enabled the Dutch to rally had they been disposed to do so.

John Haring, on a Flemish dyke, held a thousand men at bay, saved his army, and finally escaped uninjured. And the motto of Bayard, Vires agrainis unus habet, was given him after singly defending a bridge against two hundred Spaniards. Such men appear to bear charmed lives, and to be identical with the laws of Fate. "What a soldier, what a Roman, was thy father, my young bride!

Striving to be at once explanatory and propitiatory to all and sundry, Haring was reduced to inarticulate, choking interjections and paralytic motions of the hands, when a member of the delegation, hitherto silent, spoke up. He was the representative of McLean & Swazey, a college graduate of a type then new, though now much commoner, in the developing profession of advertising.