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Then you could gang hame when the time was served, a credit and an honour to all! 'I had rather win my own way than be beholden to Burnside, said Arthur, his face lighting at the proposal. 'Hout, man! That will be as the chances of war may turn out. As to your kit, we'll see to that! Never fear. Your mother will make it up.

At last, being then a little ahead, she turned her back to the wind, and waited for him to come up. "Noo, ye've had eneuch o' 't!" he said. "An' I maun turn an' gang back wi' you, or ye'll never win hame." Aggie broke into a loud laugh that rang like music through the storm.

Thereafter when an unsuccessful candidate returned to his home, he was sure to be asked very pointedly, "Who won the Raeburn the year?" to rub into him their perception that he at least had been a failure. A bodie would dander slowly up, saying, "Ay, man, ye've won hame!" Then, having mused awhile, would casually ask, "By-the-bye, who won the Raeburn the year? Oh, it was a Perthshire man!

There was no telling maybe when the children came hame from school in the afternoon they wouldna be above picking a basketful, and taking it down to the inn. "But we want them now! We want as many as you can possibly spare, but we must have them to take back with us now!" "And who's to pick them for ye, I would ask?" demanded Mrs Forsyth with scathing directness.

"I'm sorry I canna be hame sae ear'," she replied. "I promised to tak my dish o' tay wi' auld Mistress Green the kail-wife, ye ken, Sir Gibbie." Gibbie nodded and she resumed: "But gien ye wad tak a lug o' a Fin'on haddie wi' me at nine o'clock, I wad be prood." Gibbie nodded again, and left her.

"Ach, to hell wi' it," she cried in exasperation, as she turned up the torn petticoat, displaying a leg all covered with coal grime, which seemed never to have been washed. "Is that no' awfu'? Damn my soul, I'll hae to gang hame the nicht in my sark tail," and she laughed loudly at her sally.

Wasce Wilzce, by challenge. Starkad v. Hame, by challenge. Starkad v. Angantheow and eight of his brethren, on challenge. Halfdan v. Hardbone and six champions, on challenge. Halfdan v. Egtheow, by challenge. Halfdan v. Grim, on challenge. Halfdan v. Ebbe, on challenge, by moonlight. Halfdan v. Twelve champions, on challenge. Halfdan v. Hildeger, on challenge. Ole v. Skate and Hiale, on challenge.

He'd see himself kissing Jennie gude-bye in the morn, as he went off to work, and her waiting for him when he came hame at nicht, and waving to him as soon as she recognized him. And he'd think, too, sometimes, of Jennie wi' a bairn of theirs in her arms, looking like her, but wi' Andy's nose maybe, or his chin.

For here was Tom Armstrong at last; and I stood prepared to force a temporary renewal albeit for double the original amount of the bill, drawn by me on the Royal Inevitable, and now about to be presented by the legitimate holder. "Is the bose at hame?" asked the holder briskly, turning first to Moriarty and then to me.

Still and a' we caught us no fish, and whiles we talked we'd stopped rowing, until the boat drifted into the weeds and long grass that filled one end of the loch. We were caught as fine as ye please, and when we tried to push her free we lost an oar. Noo, we could not row hame wi'oot that oar, so I reached oot wi' my rod and tried to pull it in.