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It is recognized in America that women have consciences and souls." Lydia looked very grave. "Is it is it so different with women in Europe?" she faltered. "Very," he replied, and glanced at her half-laughingly, half-tenderly. After a while, "I wish you would tell me," she said, "just what you mean. I wish you would tell me what is the difference." "Oh, it's a long story.

"I was crying and I leaned against a tree. Oh, dear, it was a clean apron! Aunt will be vexed." Her father sighed, but he pitied her confusion. "Why did you cry, my child?" he said, half-tenderly, half in rebuke. "Aunt Christina means well, though she speaks abruptly." He only provoked fresh tears, but Anna tried so hard to keep them back that she was soon calm again.

"I have seen Lewes too. . . . I could not feel otherwise to him than half-sadly, half-tenderly, a queer word that last, but I use it because the aspect of Lewes's face almost moves me to tears; it is so wonderfully like Emily, her eyes, her features, the very nose, the somewhat prominent mouth, the forehead, even, at moments, the expression: whatever Lewes says, I believe I cannot hate him.

The young fellow on top of the load looked down. His blue eyes sparkled merrily as he saw her. "Are you coming?" he called. She glanced up. "If you like," she answered. "If I like!" he echoed, half-mockingly, half-tenderly; "You know I like! Why, you've got that wretched bird with you!" "He's not a wretched bird," she said, "He's a darling!" "Well, you can't climb up here hugging him like that!

"Oh, I'm sorry I'm sorry! . . . I I never thought of that when I asked you to be a pal to her." Her voice shook uncontrollably. He smiled again the game half-weary, half-tenderly amused smile which was so characteristic. "You needn't be sorry," he said, speaking with great gentleness. "I shall never be sorry that I love her. It's only that just now she doesn't need me.

Sir Rupert looked half-angrily, half-tenderly, at this incorrigible girl. In his heart he knew that he was conquered already. 'I never told her, Sir Rupert, the Dictator went on, 'because I did not believe it possible that she could care about me, and because, even if she did, I did not think that her bright young life could be made to share the desperate fortunes of a life like mine.

"But you have not lived a wandering life lately; you have lived here for many years." "Because the lodestone, the magnet of my heart was here," he answered half-playfully, half-tenderly. "When that is gone, I shall be likely to fly off in a tangent again." "Oh, Jack, you must not talk so. I want to see you in the years to come. I must and I will. I feel it," she added brightly.

His eyes took on a kindlier expression as he saw the change that gave her a wondrously younger look, and a rush of memories caused him to smile reminiscently, half-sadly, half-tenderly. The effect on him was apparent in the pleasanter voice with which he next addressed his niece, playfully: "My, my! She'd be sending him home to his mother, I expect, if only he had a mother."

At the back of the portrait, her father had written, half-jestingly, half-tenderly, 'I can't ask my daughter to spare my eyes as usual, without telling her of your inquiries, and putting a young lady's diffidence to the blush. It is a good likeness of a good girl.

"Ah, monsieur," she said, "my father entrusted to your keeping a clean-minded girl! What have you made of her, Gaston?" A strange and profoundly unreasonable happiness swept through the Duke's soul as she spoke his given name for the first time within his memory. Surely, the deep contralto voice had lingered over it? half-tenderly, half-caressingly, one might think.