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"It's no use!" he protested. "They can't do! It's not connected!" "What's not connected?" yelled Carr. He fell upon David. He half-lifted, half-dragged him to his feet. "If you know what's wrong with that gun, you fix it! Fix it," he shouted, "or I'll " David was not concerned with the vengeance Carr threatened. For, on the instant a miracle had taken place.

It lay there, his body, abandoned. She knew she ought to take it up and claim it, and claim every right to it. But could she do it? Her impotence before him, before the strong demand of some unknown thing in him, was her extremity. Her hands fluttered; she half-lifted her head. Her eyes, shuddering, appealing, gone, almost distracted, pleaded to him suddenly. His heart caught with pity.

And we met on the instant. There was no self-discussion, no waiting, wavering, to make certain. She was mine the moment I looked upon her. And by the same token she knew that I belonged to her above all men. I strode to her. She half-lifted from her couch as if drawn upward to me.

At the drunken rowdy's challenge, I thought that he half-lifted a threatening hand. But Esmond Clarenden only smiled, with a mere turn of his head as if in disapproval. In that minute I learned my first lesson in handling ruffians. I knew that my uncle was not afraid, and because of that my faith in his power to take care of himself came back. "I want to leave here in half an hour.

He was watching, with a shifting intentness of gaze, all who entered; and suddenly, as Charles' eyes were on him, he put down his half-lifted brandy and a hand went under the fold of his coat. Charles turned, involuntarily, and saw a small immaculate Cuban with grey hair and a ribband in his buttonhole advancing among the tables.

In the Marriage of Phaedra MacMaster found the ultimate expression of this spirit, the final word as to Treffinger's point of view. As in all Treffinger's classical subjects, the conception was wholly medieval. This Phaedra, just turning from her husband and maidens to greet her husband's son, giving him her first fearsome glance from under her half-lifted veil, was no daughter of Minos.

Carr had half-lifted her head from the pillow, her lower jaw had fallen to its utmost extent in her effort to articulate, and she was pointing the forefinger of her left hand at the door. It was a frightful sight. Even Stephen turned pale, and sprang hastily away. "You see," said Mercy, in a ghastly whisper, "sometimes she certainly does know things; but she never looks like that except at you.

She looked at him, startled by his deadly paleness; but then, perhaps, the summons accounted for that. She murmured her regrets, then bent again over her baby. "You have nothing to say to me, Ethel, before I go?" he said, looking at her steadily. She half-lifted her head, the words half-rose to her lips.

"You went to see her yesterday yourself, I understand." "I did," said Soames; "she's my wife, you know." The tone, the half-lifted sneering lip, roused sudden anger in Jolyon; but he subdued it. "You ought to know best," he said, "but if you want a divorce it's not very wise to go seeing her, is it? One can't run with the hare and hunt with the hounds?"

They looked at each other and smiled gravely two children who had seen a happy thing. The child stood still with half-lifted hand.... A carriage drove quickly into the street. The little hand was lifted higher. It was a regal gesture the return of the princess to earth. James touched his hat a look of dismay and relief battling in his face as he turned the horses sharply to the right.