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The eye, too, with its almond outline, and wild, half-Indian, half Arab expression the dark tracery over the lip, so rarely seen in the lineaments of her sex even these were attractions. There was something picturesque, something strange, something almost fierce, in her aspect; and yet it was this indefinable something, this very fierceness, that had challenged my love.

We would wait for the bursting of the bombs, and, as the hoarse thunder of crumbling walls reached our ears, Raoul would spring up, shouting his wild, half-French, half-Indian cries. A thought occurred to me. "We have arms, Raoul." I held up the fragments of the heavy chain that had yoked us. "Could you reach the trap on a run, without the danger of mistaking your way?" Raoul started.

"But, shall I have to be in that half-Indian costume Mr. Hammond told me to wear? What will people say or think?" Ruth was amused. "That's the picture. You will see some of the characters in stranger garments than those of yours before we have finished.

I shrank from amid them, and, swiftly, by a circuitous path, reached and entered the city. Here all was the wildest tumult and contention. A small party of men, clad in garments half-Indian, half-European, and officered by gentlemen in a uniform partly British, were engaged, at great odds, with the swarming rabble of the alleys.

He's a big owner, this man, and runs thirty or forty herds. The old hunter this was all before he was a Ranger, you know he puts it right up to the sheep-owner, who's a half-Indian, by the way, an' tells him that he's got to look after the boy. The old skinflint says 'No, and this here, as I was sayin', is the only time that any one ever turned down old Rifle-Eye."

"Did Sprague tell you aboot this half-Indian Isbel aboot his reputation?" "Yes." "Did he look to you like a real woodsman?" "Indeed he did. He wore buckskin. He stepped quick and soft. He acted at home in the woods. He had eyes black as night and sharp as lightnin'. They shore saw about all there was to see." Jorth chewed at his mustache and lost himself in brooding thought.

The indolent character of the natives, too half-Indian, half-Spanish prevents them from attacking and destroying these creatures with that energy that is exhibited by the inhabitants of our own country. The consequence is, that the animals in their turn are less afraid of man, and often make him their prey.

Then she recognised the claim of race, and came to their doors with pity and soft impulses to help them. French and Scotch and English half-breeds, as they were, they understood how she was making a fight for all who were half-Indian, half- white, and watched her with a furtive devotion, acknowledging her superior place, and proud of it.

I am not given to severity, or I do not exactly know how I ought to resent an act which exhibits such a forgetfulness of what your attitude should be towards a person in the station of my ward. You are merely a half-breed; you are half-Indian, and for that matter might as well be Indian altogether. My ward's position is such that the bare idea of such a union is revolting.

But only one American friend of Lieutenant Farrar's, who has let out the secret to the writer, knows that the binding truth of human brotherhood was first born into him when, on Katahdin's side, he helped to bury a thieving half-Indian. "Now, you musn't be moping, boys, because of this day's work that you took a hand in, and that wasn't in your play-bill when you come to these woods.