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"Oh! that man, Beard!" she said, contemptuously. "No, another in a wagon. Quick. Fool, you know the place now, you can come later; run!" And half-dragging, half-lifting her, he bore her through the bushes. Scarcely had they closed behind the pair when Miss Porter ran to the spot vacated by the woman. "Look!" she cried, triumphantly, "look!" Cass looked, and sank on his knees beside her.

Undeterred, he crossed to the door. His hand was on the knob when a door slammed violently somewhere in a distant part of the house. A hoarse shout of alarm rang out, and then the rush of heavy feet over thickly carpeted floors. Barnes acted with lightning swiftness. He sprang to the open window, half-carrying, half-dragging the girl with him. "Now for it!" he whispered. "Not a second to lose.

Susan lifted him up with her wiry strength; he gave no help no sign of life; but for all that he might be alive: he was still warm; she tied her maud round him; she fastened the lantern to her apron-string; she held him tight: half-carrying, half-dragging what did a few bruises signify to him, compared to dear life, to precious life! She got him through the brake, and down the path.

The wine-shop keepers and their friends, afraid of losing their prey, did their utmost to prevent this, but we succeeded, and half-carrying half-dragging, we got the tipsy men down to the boats.

"Bother! come on," cried Severn, putting his arm round the other and half-pushing, half-dragging him through the crowd of lads who were clustering round in expectation of a coming set-to. There was a low murmur as of disgust as the two lads elbowed their way through, whilst Slegge shouted after them. "Sneaks!" he cried. "Cowards!

This was continued and repeated right into the room, Dan'l looking very severe and earnest, and holding on by the boy's collar, half-dragging him, while Peter pushed behind, and then closed the door, and stood before it like a sentry. "You have not been striking the boy, I hope!" said the doctor. "Strike him, sir? no, not I," said Dan'l; "but I should like to.

I was obliged willy nilly to go with them, and, half-dragging and half-carrying me, they brought me by the path, which now became very steep, for some hundred yards without stopping, when suddenly coming to a stand, I found myself close before the door of some house or hut, I could not see which, through the planks of which a strong light was streaming.

"He has cracked up," said Acton, in despair, and he gripped the half-senseless youth with frenzied strength. "This is the way you're to go with me!" he yelled. Half-dragging, half-coaxing, uttering strange promises, to which Senior smiled stupidly, Acton regained those few but terrible yards to the top of the ridge.

She was whimpering, and Maren, stooping, laid a hand on the husky's collar. Without more words she turned and followed her people down to the landing, half-dragging the brute, who hung back and turned his giant head to the little maid, standing with her hands over her face.

He snarled and bit at Maren's wrist, but she picked him up and flung him, half-dragging on the ground, for he was a mighty beast, into the first canoe.