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But he made no further attempt to force the whiskey upon the boy. Under some whispered instructions which he gave the others, Rick was half-led, half-dragged through immensely long black halls of the cave, while one of the men went before, carrying the feeble lantern.

As Oliver appeared, the wretched Indian was half-dragged, half-pushed before him. The examination was short. The sentries who had tramped the high board walk vouched for The Squaw's constant presence in the stockade throughout the whole of the required time. The guards at the sliding-panel lent corroboration.

"It's no use!" he protested. "They can't do! It's not connected!" "WHAT'S not connected?" yelled Carr. He fell upon David. He half-lifted, half-dragged him to his feet. "If you know what's wrong with that gun, you fix it! Fix it," he shouted, "or I'll " David was not concerned with the vengeance Carr threatened. For, on the instant a miracle had taken place.

I tried resistance, but one of them dragged at my chain while the other belabored me, until in a few moments I sank down in the wormwood bitterness of humiliation and defeat and was half-dragged, half-kicked up the stairs, and thrown into my room, where they gagged me against the possibility of outcry, and tied me so that I could not move from my mattress or kick upon the floor.

Bob went to her distressed attendant's aid, and between them they half-carried, half-dragged the stubborn old person from the shining rails. "Toto!" she gasped. Bob stared, but Betty's quick eye had seen. There, in the middle of the track, sat a fluffy little dog, its eyes so thickly screened with hair that it is doubtful if it could see three inches before its shining black nose.

The three men whispered together for a few moments, and then Mr Barclay made an effort to get up, but it was useless, for the first two seized him between them, all bound as he was, and dragged him out of the room, along the passage, and down the stone steps to the basement, where they thrust him into the wine-cellar, and half-dragged him across there into the inner cellar, the houses on that side being exactly the same in construction as ours.

"I was half-dragged up to the altar, and before I knew where I was I found myself mumbling responses which were whispered in my ear, and vouching for things of which I knew nothing, and generally assisting in the secure tying up of Irene Adler, spinster, to Godfrey Norton, bachelor.

In the hurry and confusion of that night the girls had thrown open their cabin to the escaping miners, who hurried along the slope that was now the bank of the river. Suddenly Christie felt her arm grasped, and she was half-led, half-dragged, into the inner room. Her father stood before her. "Where is George Kearney?" he asked tremulously.

"Silence!" cried Burr major, as a burst of cheers followed this last round, for it was seen that the fat lad did not intend to get up again. "Dicksee isn't well to-day; I believe old Jollop has given him something." Then in a whisper, as he half-dragged his principal back, "You beggar!" he said; "I'll serve you out for this." "Hooray!" cried a small boy at the window; "old Senna has licked "

Sometimes he was half-pushed, half-dragged along the rocky side of a watercourse; more than once he was led waist deep across a rushing stream that was icy cold. Then there was a steep climb up another mountain slope and down into a farther valley. Here the Indians came to a halt. Rube heard the movements of horses, and presently he was lifted and flung over the back of one of them.