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But she was now beyond the reach of merely feminine emotions. She had protested against the kicking of Watts because it seemed to lack motive, because Watts was helpless, and because she herself was half-delirious at the time. Olsen's attitude, on the other hand, hinted at mutiny, and mutiny must be repressed at any cost.

I could not say with confidence, from my own knowledge, whether the interval consisted of several days, or of only a few feverish and half-delirious hours; nor whether the sights and sounds of which I have a confused recollection, were real, or imaginary.

'I can't stand this, I must do something. Can't we go for another walk? I spoke in bitter, half-delirious jest. 'Of course we can, said Davies, 'if you don't mind a bit of a tumble in the dinghy. I reconsidered my rash suggestion, but it was too late now to turn back, and some desperate expedient was necessary.

Molly's eyes brightened when she heard his steps at the door, and ere he had come within her sight, where she lay half-dressed on her mother's bed, tented in its tall carved posts and curtains of embroidered silk, the figures on which gave her so much trouble all the half-delirious night long, her arms would be stretched out to him, and the words would be trembling on her lips, 'Prithee, tell me a tale, sir.

As she was binding up the bleeding wound with her handkerchief, the half-delirious marchioness said to her, referring to the fact that the king had at first been unwilling to receive her as the guardian of the children, "Ah! madame, had I believed what the king told me fourteen years ago, my life would not have been in your power to-day."

Someone says that she rode through all this half-delirious joy like a creature in a dream, fatigue, pain, the happy languor of the end attained, and also the profound pity that was the very inspiration of her spirit, for all those souls of men gone to their account without help of Church or comfort of priest overwhelming her.

Still she was so weak that she seemed to have entirely forgotten her wish to see Margaret dressed if, indeed, that had not been the feverish desire of a half-delirious state.

The mere possibility that rescue might actually be at hand acted as a tonic upon me, imparting renewed life and hope, and clearing away the more than half-delirious fancies that had clouded and bemuddled my brain; thus enabling me once more to think and act rationally.

What the words might be he could not tell, yet their general sound seemed strangely familiar and their command was indubitable. But, still half-delirious, Stern tried again to stretch up his arms, to greet this singular being, even as a sick man recovering from etherization raves and half sees the nurses and doctors, yet dreams wild visions in the midst of pain.

To these Frenchmen of an age before the Revolution, the Marseillaise had only been a song. Now in their ignorant breasts there waked the spirit of France, and from their throats there burst out, with a half-delirious ecstasy: "Allons, enfants de la patrie, Le jour de gloire est arrive."