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The deputy remained behind, thoughtful. "What's the matter?" asked one of the spectators. "You look like you'd seen a ghost." "Gents," answered the deputy, "do any of you recollect seein' this feller before?" They did not. "They's something queer about him," muttered the deputy. "He may be word-shy," proffered a wit, "but he sure ain't gun-shy!"

He was gun-shy of women; he suspected them of wanting to marry him. He was wary of men; he suspected them of wanting to exploit him. He loathed children, who were generally obstreperous and unnecessary editions of parents he didn't admire. He didn't even trust the beautiful works of men's hands. They, even they, were too often faked!

Fortunately they were both mounted on horses that were gun-shy, and with the rearing and plunging the shots went wild. Every man in the outfit interfered, the two fellows were disarmed, and we started on with the cattle. No interference was offered by the Indians at the ford, the guards were doubled that night, and the incident was forgotten within a week.

"Is that so?" exclaimed Cavanagh. "I thought he seemed a bit gun-shy." "The last seen of him was when Sam Gregg sent him up to herd sheep. I think he was mixed up in that killing, myself him and Ballard and we're going up to get some track of him. Didn't turn up at your station, did he?" "Yes, he came by some days ago, on his way, so he said, to relieve that sick Basque, Ambro.

O' course there's plenty of room for everybody if it wasn't for the beef contracts an' the general bad feelin'." "Don't you reckon it will be settled peaceably? They'll get together an' talk it over like reasonable folks." Billie shook his head. "The Lazy S M are bringin' in a lot of bad men from Texas an' the Strip. Some of our boys ain't exactly gun-shy either.

Terry received the commission for a box of shotgun cartridges and the money to pay for them. "And the change," said Pollard liberally, "don't worry me none. Step around and make yourself to home in town. About coming back well, when I send a man into town, I figure on him making a day of it. S'long, Terry!" "Hey," called Slim, "is El Sangre gun-shy?" "I suppose so."

Livin' together and didn't know which was the best shot likely! And every tin can in sight shot full of holes and testifyin' against you! Think I'm blind, hey? Even your horses give you away. Never batted an eyelash durin' that whole cannonade. They've been hearin' forty-fives pretty reg'lar, them horses have." "I notice your old black ain't much gun-shy, either," ventured Bill.

Fifteen minutes after Johnny's arrival the plane was quivering outside on the flying field, and Bland was pulling down his goggles while Johnny kicked a small rock away from a wheel and climbed up to straddle into the rear seat, carrying his rifle with him to the manifest discomfort of Bland, who was "gun-shy."

"'An' that, concloods Texas Thompson, as he reaches for his licker, 'is what comes of an effort at law an' order in Plaza Paloduro. I ain't over-statin' it, gents, when I says, that that 'lection leaves me plumb gun-shy for over a year." "Does Jack Moore have sand? Son, is this yere query meant for humor by you? Which for mere sand the Mohave desert is a fool to Jack."

He could not help chuckling inside himself as he thought of what would happen that day, for once a gun-shy dog, always a gun-shy dog that was his experience. As for Comet, he faced the straw fields eagerly, confidently, already a veteran. Long ago fear of the gun had left him, for the most part.