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You feel sweet, don't you?" with other exclamations, some of which were full of fury. And it was not a little curious to remark, that at the expiration of the ensuing watch, the tables would be turned; and we on deck became the wits and jokers, and those below the grizzly bears and growlers.

"Bergy Bits". Pieces, about the size of a cottage, of glacier-ice or of hummocky pack washed clear of snow. "Growlers". Still smaller pieces of sea-ice than the above, greenish in colour, and barely showing above water-level. "Crack". Any sort of fracture or rift in the sea-ice covering. "Lead" or "Lane". Where a crack opens out to such a width as to be navigable.

Striding up and down the library, Lord Ormont dropped his wrath to dictate the practical measures for defence detesting the cat's-cry 'defence, he said; but the foe would bring his old growlers, and we should have to season our handful of regulars and mob of levies, turn the mass into troops.

They call the little ones "growlers," and big and little alike are classed as "pieces of ice"! They are not my idea of a "piece" of anything. I know now what the Ancient Mariner meant when he said: "And ice mast high came floating by As green as emerald." It exactly describes them, only it doesn't wholly describe them, for no one could.

"That's exactly what Personages don't do: they live in state and under constant consideration; they haven't latch-keys, but drums and trumpets announce them; and when they go out in growlers it makes a greater noise still. It's you, caro mio," she said, "who, so far as that goes, are the Personage." "Ah," he in turn protested, "don't put it all on me!

"Not on your tin-type," declared the ticket-taker. "`Me? I says to her. `Me? I'd pinch the harp and pawn it for ten growlers of Dutch beer and some man-sized rum!" "Hee, hee hee!" grinned Mr. Wrenn. "Ha, ha, ha!" grumbled the bartender. "Well-l-l," yawned the ticket-taker, "the old woman'll be chasing me best pants around the flat, if she don't have me to chase, pretty soon.

Jasper read it carefully, and then, striking a match, lit the paper and watched it burn in the grate. The northern express had deposited its passengers at King's Cross on time. All the station approaches were crowded with hurrying passengers. Taxicabs and "growlers" were mixed in apparently inextricable confusion.

Then forth stepped Jenkyn o' the Ford with tall Orson, which last spake with voice uplift: "Master," quoth he, "us do love gold but fighting men us do be, and if 'steel' says you 'steel' says we!" "Aye," nodded Jenkyn, "so look'ee master, here stands I wi' Orson my comrade look'ee, for witness that to-day we be better men than these growlers."

"The pack now forces us to go west 14 miles, when we break through a long line of heavy brash mixed with large lumps and 'growlers' We do this under the fore-topsail only, the engines being stopped to protect the propeller. This takes us into open water, where we make S. 50° W. for 24 miles.

Dick listened with a good- tempered grin to the chorus of grumbling that was proceeding around him, interjected a merry jest or two which caused the growlers to stop in mid-career in amazement at his audacity, and then, having slipped nimbly into his clothes, he sprang up through the hatchway and presented himself first on deck of the forecastle hands, to be greeted by the mate with a cheery: "Well done, youngster!