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The ground-hog never quits. I can recall one strenuous noon hour in an outcropping of rock where, between shattered arrows, precipitous chasing of transfixed old warriors, defiant whistlers on all sides, we piled up nearly a dozen victims. Quail hunting requires careful shooting, but it is good training for the bowman.

"Just taste one, Coonie, it is sweeter than any berry I ever tasted. Yum, yum, but it is fine." "Hum!" sniffed Coonie. "It may suit your taste, but honey is much too sticky for me." "Well, I'm glad you don't want any," Chuck replied. "You always were rather particular, but I am only Chuck anyhow, and as some people call me a hog a ground-hog, you know I might as well live up to my name."

"Let them play, let them play," called out the birds in pity. But how could they join the birds when they had no wings? The eagle and the hawk consulted, and it was decided to make wings for the little fellows. What could they find for wings? At last someone remembered the drum they used in their dances. The head was made of ground-hog skin.

And, so saying, Swartboy out knife, and set to work upon the carcass. Although the colonists term it "aard-vark," which is the Dutch for "ground-hog," the animal has but little in common with the hog kind. It certainly bears some resemblance to a pig about the snout and cheeks; and that, with its bristly hair and burrowing habits, has no doubt given rise to the mistaken name.

I can't dance either, but this is a 'ground-hog case, and we've got to dance and sing too." "I guess I'll announce to them that you will favor them with a song and single clog, and then we will appear together." As I stepped to the table I heard him say: "I'll take my hat and run!" Then, stepping to the front, I said: "Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you will be patient with us a few moments.

Come out with them and give me battle. You talked like a brave when we met at Vincennes, and I respected you; but now you hide behind logs and in the earth, like a ground-hog. Give me answer. When Harrison did venture to send out a detachment it was beaten by the Indians, and many of the Americans were made prisoners.

Presently, as he stood still at sight of a ground-hog making for its hiding-place, he saw a shadow fall across the light breaking through the trees some distance in front of him. It was Fleda. She had not seen him, and she came hurrying towards where he was with head bent, a brightly-ribboned hat swinging in her fingers.

Having cast this last message out upon the road he withdrew his arm cautiously back under the robe and lay as nearly motionless as possible, prepared for the worst. Bartlett's car. I don know where I am. Like the ground-hog, Pee-wee did not emerge again until the occasion was more propitious.

And you couldn’t have seen me again till springunless you happened to come here on ground-hog day, next February.... What appears to be your trouble?” she inquired. “It’s my appetite, partly,” Solomon Owl said. “Nothing tastes as it did when I was a youngster. And I keep longing for something, though what it is I can’t just tell.” Aunt Polly Woodchuck nodded her head wisely.

"Tell the American commander it is our wish that he should send more men against us. We want to fight in good earnest." The British agent Captain Elliott spoke. "Tell my wife, your American father, that I want her to cook the provisions for me and my red children more faithfully than she has done. If she wishes to fight with me and my children, she must not burrow in the earth like a ground-hog.